Plot hole: Each of the four magicians are given a tarot card that has a date (March 29), a time (4:44pm), an address (45 East Evan St), and a city (NY). When they enter the building on that date, they know which apartment to go to. The problem with this is that it was never stated on any of the cards which apartment to go to once they reached 45 East Evan Street. (00:08:40 - 00:10:05)
Plot hole: Jack's death is reported on a news broadcast which is viewed by the three other Horsemen. They are looking really shocked and upset by the news. But they are fully aware of the fact that Jack is currently alive, so why look shocked? They were the only people in that room they were in at that current moment whilst watching the news, so there was no-one there to try and fool. Extended version. (01:25:10 - 01:44:30)
Answer: The mirror was inserted at an angle, so that the reflection was the ceiling and not what was in front of them. It's the same principle for how periscopes work.