Megatron: All I want is to be back in charge. Besides, who would you be without me, Prime?
Optimus Prime: Time to find out.
Jerry Wang: Who wants some chicken dinner now, bitch? Huh? Looks like someone messed with the wrong Wang today!
Optimus Prime: In any war, there are calms between storms. There will be days when we lose faith. Days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come, that we forsake this planet, and its people.
Sentinel Prime: How doomed you are, Autobots. You simply fail to understand, that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Sam Witwicky: That woman just called me a messenger. Can you believe that? After everything I've done, I'm a messenger.
Wheelie: Oh I believe that. I tell you Sammy, we feel the same way. The disrespect on this rock is criminal.
Dylan: You think you're a hero? YOU THINK YOU'RE A HERO?
Sam Witwicky: No, I'm just a messenger.
Robert Epps: Why do the Decepticons always get the good shit?
Optimus Prime: You have made a grave mistake.
Optimus Prime: From here, the fight will be your own.
Sideswipe: Whoa, little Mexican stand-off we got here.
Robert Epps: That is one scary-ass looking Decepticon!
Sentinel Prime: It's our world now!
Seymour Simmons: Dutch, give me something tough.
Dutch: [speaks Russian.]
Kosmonaut: We do speak English.
Seymour Simmons: Dutch, you suck.
NEST Guard: Easy sir, this is Health and Human Services.
Sam Witwicky: Right, packin' M4's?
Ironhide: Class dimissed.
Ironhide: Decepticon punk!
Charlotte Mearing: Our entire space programme of the 1960s was in response to an event.
Sam Witwicky: Humans are working with the Decepticons.
Simmons: Years from now, they are gonna ask us, "Where were you when they took over the planet?" We're gonna say, "We just stood by and watched."
Mission Control: We are not alone after all, are we?
Buzz Aldrin: No, sir. We are not alone.