Grandpa Joe: Mr. Wonka! I don't know if you remember me, but I used to work here in the factory.
Willy Wonka: Were you one of those despicable spies who everyday tried to steal my life's work and sell it to those parasitic copycat candy making cads?
Grandpa Joe: No, sir.
Willy Wonka: Then wonderful, welcome back.

Alfred: Why bats, Master Wayne?
Bruce Wayne: Bats frighten me. It's time my enemies shared my dread.

Creasy: Okay, my friend. It's off to the next life for you. I guarantee you, you won't be lonely.

Morpheus: You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Kaecilius: How long have you been at Kamar-Taj, Mister..?
Dr. Stephen Strange: Doctor.
Kaecilius: Mister Doctor?
Dr. Stephen Strange: It's Strange.
Kaecilius: Maybe. Who am I to judge?

Lilo: It's sandwich day. Every Thursday I give Pudge the Fish a peanut butter sandwich. But, today we were out of peanut butter. I asked my sister what to give him and she said a tuna sandwich. I can't give Pudge tuna! Do you know what tuna is? IT'S FISH! If I gave Pudge tuna, I'd be an abomination! I'm late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter cause all we have is...is. Stinking tuna...Pudge controls the weather.

Gingy: OK, OK...I'll tell you. Do you know the Muffin Man?
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingy: The Muffin Man.
Lord Farquaad: Yes, I know the Muffin Man. Who lives on Drury Lane?
Gingy: Well...she's married to...the Muffin Man.
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingy: The Muffin Man!
Lord Farquaad: She's married to the Muffin Man?

Rocket Raccoon: Metaphors go over his head.
Drax the Destroyer: NOTHING goes over my head! My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.

Alita: I do not stand by in the presence of evil.

Darth Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Lloyd: What do you mean you don't bet? Wussy! Wussy!
Harry: I never have and I never will.
Lloyd: Yeah, right. I bet you twenty bucks I can get you gambling before the end of the day.
Harry: No way.
Lloyd: I give you three to one odds.
Harry: No.
Lloyd: Five to one?
Harry: No.
Lloyd Ten to one?
Harry: You're on.
[Lloyd and Harry both shake hands and smile.]
Lloyd: I'm gonna get you.
Harry: Nuh-uh.
Lloyd: I don't know how, but I'm gonna get you.
Harry: Nuh-uh.

Peter Parker: I'm sick of Mr. Stark treating me like a kid.
Ned Leeds: But you are a kid.
Peter Parker: Yeah. A kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands.

Frozone: Honey?
Honey: What?
Frozone: Where's my super suit?
Honey: What?
Frozone: Where is my super suit?
Honey: I uh - put it away.
Frozone: Where?
Honey: Why do you need to know?
Frozone: I need it!
Honey: Nuh uh! Don't you think about running off to do some derrin' do! We've been planning this dinner for two months!
Frozone: The public is in danger!
Honey: My evening's in danger!
Frozone: You tell me where my suit is woman! We are talking the greater good!
Honey: I am your wife! I am the greatest 'good' you are ever gonna get.

Steve Rogers: Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?

Ace: Tell them what I'm saying. [To Wachootoo tribe] I come in peace.
Ouda: White devil say, "I will harm you."
Ace: I couldn't help but notice that Eqinsu Ocha part. Did you just refer to me as White Devil?
Ouda: This how they know you.
Ace: Leave that part out from now on. [To tribe] I represent the princess.
Ouda: I am a princess.
Ace: War is hell. The last thing we want is a fight.
Ouda: I want to fight. So go to Hell.

Tony Stark: You're from Earth?
Peter Quill: No, I'm from Missouri.
Tony Stark: Yeah, that's on Earth, dipshit.

Austin Powers: Mole! Bloody mole! We aren't supposed to talk about the bloody mole, but there's a bloody mole winking me in the face! I want to cut it off, chop it off, and make guacaMOLE!