The Incredibles

The Incredibles (2004)

95 corrected entries

(17 votes)

Corrected entry: During the plane scene Helen changes into her Incredible outfit. She goes in a toilet to change. This makes no sense because she appears to be alone until she throws the bag on Violet. If she indeed was alone, then there was no reason to go into the toilet. She just could have changed her outfit right there.

Correction: Character choice, not a mistake.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Violet makes a spherical shield around her and Dash and the shield holds her up off the ground, it would be impossible for Dash to run and the shield to roll without Violet and Dash crashing into each other. Dash either would have run into Violet, or run right over Violet. We know the shield is rolling becuse they roll over their parents and keeps the rolling consistent.

Correction: You're speculating about what would be possible with the use of superpowers. There is no way to know what would or wouldn't happen.

Corrected entry: In the scene where. Mr. Incredible and Frozone are in the jewelry store. Frozone freezes the police officer and they run through the wall into the alley, we hear the crash noise, but notice, we hear it way after the hole in the wall is made.

Correction: The sounds are correct in the scene. What we hear after they've punched through the wall is the bricks from the wall hitting the ground.

Corrected entry: When Bob is in his cubicle at work and telling Mrs. Hogenson he can't help, he stands up above the walls. When he does this, there is no opening next to his cubicle for the hallway that is there in every other shot.

Correction: We cannot see the opening because of the angle of the shot.

Corrected entry: At the Start of the movie when Buddy is talking to Mr. Incredible in his car, when Mr. Incredible, slides his hand over his own forehead his hand passes through his hair. (As in his hand moves through the strands of his hair and the hair doesn't move at all) (You may need to zoom in). (00:04:10)

Correction: I have watched this scene several times and the movement of his hair appears to be completely normal.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Parrs' are at the dinner table fighting and the doorbell rings, Dash runs over to the door to open it. We see the shot from outside with Dash with his hand up (from turning the doorknob). But you can see that he is not tall enough to reach the doorknob. It is in the middle of the door. (00:19:40)

Correction: Considering Dash is fast enough to run on water, it doesn't seem too difficult for him to run up the door to reach the door knob.

Corrected entry: When Frozone and Mr. I are in the burning building, near the beginning of the film, Mr. I asks Frozone to freeze the fire. When Frozone attempts this and fails, he tells Mr. I that he can't because there's no water in the air. This makes no sense because one of the by-products of hydrocarbon combustion (aka fire) is H2O.

Correction: That is true, but what Frozone was getting at was that the air was too dry. It was not supposedly low the level of the molecular compound H2O that kept him from being able to use his power, it was the lack of general humidity. A building on fire is a very dry heat. Just because fire releases H2O does not mean it's enough to counteract the air-drying effects of the fire's high temperature.


Corrected entry: When Mr Incredible is fighting the first Omnidroid on the island, and manages to get it to attack itself, it uses its arms to punch holes in its metal body, but the curls of metal around the holes all come outwards, rather than inwards as they should.


Correction: That is because the metal is pulled outward each time the arm comes back out of it's body. The only way the metal would stay folded inward would be if an object continued traveling through the body and left at a seperate point, much the same way that a bullet would do.


Corrected entry: In the very very last scene, when the underminer arrives the Incredible family puts on their masks, when Bob does he opens his jacket to his super suit. Notice that his shirt has buttons but it slips open like they are not there.

Correction: They could be snaps made to look like buttons, or just specific clothing made for supers to change out of quick.

Corrected entry: When Helen visits Edna's secret lab she is given a cup of tea. However, it never shows it again.

Correction: After seeing Jack Jack's suit Helen puts her cup of tea down on the tray, it can be seen in the shots after that.

Corrected entry: When Bob stops the train, it forms a triangle in the air. When you see the picture on the newspaper when he is sued the height of the train is much steeper.

Correction: The train most likely shifted somewhat between the time the train stopped and the time the picture was taken. After all, it was balanced very precariously.

Corrected entry: Just after Dash is riding on Frozone's back and the robot jumps into the water, there is a big wave and Dash and Frozone jump into the air. Frozone then freezes the wave in the air, and it turns into snow which falls to the ground for Dash to fall safely on. Either Dash would have landed painfully before the snow hit the ground or the snow would have hit Dash as it fell, covering him in snow. (01:35:10)

Correction: Frozone's power isn't simply the ability to freeze water. He must also be able to move water molecules through the air in order to have enough of them available to form solid walls of ice out of thin air. Since he can control the movement of water molecules, he should be able to move the snow ahead of Dash to avoid a painful landing and simultaneously move the snow around Dash to ensure that Dash does not obstruct the snow that will cushion his fall.

Corrected entry: In the scene when Dash spits out the water, if you look at the water in mid-air, at the end of the spit there is a drop separated from the rest, but when Frozone freezes the water, there is only a full icicle and no drop of water hits the ground.

Correction: Water expands when freezing, and its also possible Frozone froze some moisture present in the air as well, so together they could form one icicle.


Corrected entry: In the battle scene when it is the Incredibles and Frozone versus the robot, Frozone gives Dash a ride to escape the robot that is trying to roll over them. Frozone freezes the giant wave of water into snow. Later in the scene the robot gets destroyed and falls over. When it does, the snow that was there from the wave is suddenly water again. No matter what, snow doesn't melt that fast under normal day conditions.

Correction: We don't know how Frozone's ice power works. In the start of the movie when he is using his ice to get around (before the wedding), it melts really fast, after he is finished with it.

Corrected entry: When Mr. Incredible is in the containment unit, after he's found out that his family has been killed, he starts to grab Syndrome. There is a shot of Mirage seeing what's happening with her earpiece microphone on, and in the next shot when Mr. Incredible has grabbed her, it is not there anymore.

Correction: As Mirage shoves Syndrome out of the way and is grabbed by Mr. Incredible, the earpiece microphone was knocked out and fell off camera.

Mark English

Corrected entry: When Bob leaves the house for his second assignment for Syndrome, he drives his sport's car out of the garage after saying goodbye to Helen. At the end of the film, after they are dropped at the house by a limousine, Bob throws his car at Syndrome's plane. When and how did the car get home?

Correction: When Bob drives into the garage with his new sports car, you see him motion for Helen to look out towards the curb. The camera pulls back and we see a second sports car wrapped in a ribbon. It's the second sports car Bob throws at the airplane.

Corrected entry: When the kids and parents fight at the dinner table and Frozone rings the doorbell, they all stop fighting and put the table down - and we can see the lamp above the table is perfectly still. In the next shot, Frozone enters and the lamp is swinging so much that Mrs. Incredible has to reach out and stop it.

Correction: Dash runs to open the door causing a breeze more than likely. The breeze would have caused the light to move.

Corrected entry: Mirage's skin colour changes considerably throughout the film, from a dark tan colour to a very pale white. It has nothing to do with the light in the scene either, as in daylight in two different scenes she is two different colours.

Correction: Her skin color, which does not really change drastically at all, has everything to do with lighting. The two "daylight" scenes are under the influence of more than sunlight, which differs during the daylight hours of any given day or possible cloud cover, but once again, the change looks natural.

Corrected entry: After they beat the final Omnidroid together, Dash tells Bob that he thought it was cool when he threw the car, but Bob doesn't throw a car until after that.

Correction: He was actually referring to when Bob tossed one of the flying cars on the island, as everything Dash brags about here concerns their antics on the island.

Corrected entry: When Helen is hoovering, she collects the bits from in front of Bob's door and you can hear the bits going into the hoover. The hoover has a bag but the bits make a sound like on the metal pipe type hoovers. The sound effect was used so Helen went in the room but still a mistake.

Correction: The sound isn't from hitting the bag, it's from hitting the tube that sucks the stuff to the bag.

The Incredibles mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Lucius is putting aftershave on in front of the mirror, he hears the robot outside and runs to the window, leaving the bottle of aftershave on the desk with the lid off. He returns to open the drawer, and the lid is back on. (01:29:00)


More mistakes in The Incredibles

Edna Mode: This is a hobo suit, darling, you can't be seen in it, I won't allow it! Years ago maybe, but now? Pheh!
Bob Parr: What do you mean? You designed it!
Edna Mode: I never look back, darling, it distracts from the now.

More quotes from The Incredibles

Trivia: The phone number on Mirage's business card is 866-787-7476. The last 7 digits spell out S-U-P-R-H-R-O on a phone touch pad.

More trivia for The Incredibles

Question: Can someone please explain to me what Violet says when she frees them from the prison? No matter how many times I see this movie, I still don't get it.


Chosen answer: She says "Well, I think Dad has made excellent progress today, but I think it's time we wind down now". It's a joke, pretending to be winding down a counselling session, based on the fact that her father has been baring his soul a bit while imprisoned.


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