Corrected entry: Riddler's big riddle for Batman is "Who will he save...Chase or Robin". How did Riddler know Robin exsisted? Didn't Dick just put on the robin suit 5 minutes earlier?
Corrected entry: A conservative estimate of the acid-filled vault's weight is about 4 tons, most likely much more (a previous corrector suggested it was a special light-weight safe that Two-face installed. You can tell from Batman's difficulty in lifting the door that it is solid metal). The strongest industrial cable would need to be at least 1/2 inch thick to hold the weight, even more considering it would have to withstand the additional force as the vault makes its downward arc. The 1/8 inch thick cable that Batman uses would have snapped like a thread under the weight, no matter what it was composed of.
Corrected entry: If you watch closely you can see The Riddler watching Two-Face and his ladies talking before he invades Two-Face's lair. Looks like Jim Carrey was watching his cue.
Correction: So the Riddler was watching them talk, waiting for an opportune moment to enter. how is that a mistake?
Corrected entry: It's hard to believe that a spontaneous act of throwing acid on Dent's face by the mobster would result in a perfectly even separation down the exact middle of his face. Even with the folder protecting one half, the chances of the acid falling so perfectly seems remote.
Correction: In the comics, its discussed at some point that Dent's face isn't in fact purely symetrical, but that he uses some makeup to make the line even as a means of making his split extremely even.
Corrected entry: Robin is abducted at gunpoint by Two-Face. Then, about 30 seconds later, he is suddenly all the way up in the Riddler's room, bound and gagged in a giant tube.
Correction: Everything does not need to be visible on the screen in order for the viewers to understand. Obviously there is more than a 30 second time lapse off screen, but we do not have to see it all. This is NOT a mistake.
Corrected entry: When Two Face shoots Bruce, Two Face is to Bruce's right. There are two mistakes here; not only does Two Face somehow hit the left side of Bruce's forehead, but Bruce recoils as though he were hit on the right.
Correction: They are in opposite corners of the room, each to the left of the other. Bruce is on the stairs, near a doorway into another room. To his right is a wall, so Two-Face cannot be to Bruce's right. Bruce turns and faces slightly to the viewer's left, which means his left side is visible to us. Two-Face holds the gun with his right hand, and aims diagonally across his body to the left, meaning Bruce is to Two-Face's left. Bruce spins to his right, aways from the camera, because the bullet came from his left, and the wound is on his left when we see him at the bottom of the stairs. There is no mistake.
Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, as Batman plummets to save Robin, the ropes around Robin's wrists change length! At first they're short and his wrists are within just a few inches of each other, and then the ropes are much longer, long enough in fact to allow him to swing his hands under his feet and above his head with no problem!
Correction: As Robin is falling, there is a shot that shows him managing to loosen the ropes enough to get his wrists under his feet. He then stomps on the rope bridging the gap between his wrists to loosen it even further, allowing him to bring his arms above his head and also giving Batman something to grab onto. It requires a little suspension of disbelief, sure, but it generally works.
Corrected entry: In a childhood flashback, young Bruce Wayne runs away holding his dad's diary. As he falls into a pit, he lets the red book go, but he lands holding on to the diary. (01:29:55)
Corrected entry: When Dick Grayson is getting rid of Two-Face's bomb at the circus, he is in the rafters of the building, but he is shown disposing of the bomb by pushing it through an open manhole and down a road into the river.
Correction: No, he's shown pushing the bomb out of a hole in the roof of the building and down the side.
Corrected entry: When Two-Face parachutes out of the helicopter he primarily keeps his back away from the camera - as he jumps you can see he is not wearing a parachute, but he obviously has one just seconds later. (00:11:25)
Correction: Look at where the straps are coming from, thy are under his jacket, the parachute was concealed.
Corrected entry: Before Fred gets pushed out the window Fred and Edward have their backs to the window. In the next shot he is facing the window.
Correction: At no time does Fred ever have his back to the window. While tied to the chair Nygma pushes him forward to the window; Fred goes through face-first and hangs off the edge facing down. Nygma runs up next to him and stays at his side until he pulls the headpiece off; Edward doesn't turn his back to the window until he walks back to his cubicle.
Corrected entry: When the security guard and Batman are in the vault, the "boiling acid" begins to fill the bottom of the vault. The vault is currently being suspended vertically with the door on top. After Batman saves the day and returns the vault to its original horizontal position, there is no acid spilling out of the door of the vault. (00:08:20)
Corrected entry: When Dick Grayson grabs Two-Face's bomb in the circus, its timer reads 0:12, but about twenty seconds later in the movie, when Dick throws it away, the timer reads 0:07. (00:39:45)
Corrected entry: After Edward lets Stickley fall from the window and is walking back to his desk, the cord that was attached to the "box" headpiece is missing.
Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the film, during the chopper sequence, Two-Face jams the controls with a Club. First off, what's that doing there aside from product placement? Also, Batman doesn't have anything that can remove/cut/pick it? (especially since he cut a presumably steel chain earlier).
Corrected entry: When the Riddler and Two-Face show up at Bruce's mansion to abduct Chase, all that the Riddler has with him is his cane and a bag of bat-bombs. Yet later on, when Two-Face is about to kill Bruce, the Riddler shows up and he suddenly has a box in his hand (the 5th Riddle); where did it come from? He didn't bring it in with him, and he couldn't have thrown it together while he was there.
Correction: He probably got it out of the vehicle that they used to haul Chase away.
Corrected entry: When Bruce Wayne is recounting his second flashback to Chase, you see the young Wayne walking up to the red diary and the pages are blowing. When he reaches out and turns the diary, the hand is not that of a young child but the hand of a much older person - you can tell by the wrinkles and roughness in the skin. (01:26:00)
Correction: That is entirely intentional. When Bruce first has the flashback, Val Kilmer is actually 'inside' the scene. This is meant to show him 'immersing' himself in the flashback.
Corrected entry: When suiting up Batman picks up an arsenal of gadgets that he pulls from behind his back in the following scenes. In the initial fight scene, however, when he does flips and falls you can see that he has nothing attached to the back of his belt or hidden under his cape.
Correction: The things he picks up are stored in pouches on his belt. That is why they are not visibly 'attached'.
Corrected entry: Near the beginning, when Batman is suspended over the crowd on top of the bank vault, he fires a cable to the bank building itself. The force of the hook causes it to burst through the wall, which looks rather thin and weak, yet he then proceeds to cut the wire holding the vault to the helicopter, causing the vault to swing on the wire he fired through the weak wall. The wall has suddenly become much stronger, and the vault swings back to its original location.
Correction: The hook shot through a small area of the wall putting pressure on one point and not spreading it out. When the hook opens up, it distributes the force across a larger area. This also applies in construction when you use anchors to hold in a screw if you don't have a stud to screw in. Plus it's based off a comic book.
Corrected entry: Batman enters the Riddler's throne room through a small hole in the floor, and it closes after he enters. Then the Riddler introduces Chase and Robin, and two holes like the one before appear under each tube. Nygma says Batman can't save them both. BUT, when Batman jumps to save them both, half the floor has disappeared! Why are Chase and Robin's holes connected, if the Riddler planned not to let Batman save them both? And where did the big big hole came from? It can't be due to the explosions - it's a nice neat line all the way around. The Riddler hasn't pressed the button on his cane yet either.
Correction: The big hole came from the Riddler's mind since he can read men's minds, and as is stated by Batman he can make them see whatever he wants. The connected holes of Chase and Robin are to trick Batman into thinking that there is actually a floor there. If you look closely before the floor disappears you can see it blink out and fuzz away like a computer image.
Correction: You would think that he would get this information when they captured Robin.
Bruce Minnick