Easter egg: On Disc 1, go to the options menu and highlight the THX logo. Type in 11, 3 and 8 and you will be led to a funny clip of Yoda hanging out with the clone troopers.

Easter egg: Insert Disc 1, when you get to the main menu enter the numbers 82997 (the date of Judgment Day) this should reveal the message 'The future is not set' and you'll be presented with two deleted scenes, one is the T-1000 searching John's room and the other is the alternate 'Future Coda' ending. This applies only to the regular DVD. This may be easier using a computer's DVD drive.

Easter egg: If you own the DVD highlight the THX logo in sound setup and quickly press 1138 on your DVD remote to enter a hidden goof reel (This works on Attack of the Clones as well.).

Easter egg: In the "20th Anniversary Edition" (the same one that is part of "The Alien Legacy Collection"), go to the "Extra Features" submenu, on the first screen keep moving the cursor downward until you go past "Main Menu" and highlight an acid hole on the bottom and press the confirmation button to select it. You'll be brought to a menu meant to look like a message science officer Ash is sending to the company detailing the life cycle stages of the alien creature.

Easter egg: In the special features under the "Philosophy of Time Travel Book" in scroll through until you see a man with a target around him. Press the up button and the target is highlighted. Press enter.

Easter egg: When you insert any of the 6 movie DVDs in the Star Wars saga, once the FBI screen pops up (red in Episodes I, II, IV, V, VI; and blue in Episode III), enter a number between 1 and 3 (and press Enter if needed). Once the Star Wars logo and the Episode number disappears, a menu with the planet that you chose (and not what the DVD randomly chooses) will load.

Easter egg: Under Join the Brotherhood (Magneto's side) Go to Features. Then Deleted Scenes. Press "More" until you find the scene called "Henry Warns About Magneto". Highlight it, then press the left arrow to highlight an "X". Press enter and you will get to watch a short 2005 promo for the movie. Under Take a Stand (X-men side), this feature requires you to highlight "X-men land the chopter" then press the left arrow to highlight a "Magneto Symbol".

Easter egg: On the Special Edition 2-Disc version, go to the main menu, enter the number '74' and press enter. You can now visit the inside of the ship.

Easter egg: On the DVD, if you use the Infinite Improbability Drive, you have a chance to see the cartoon that Deep Thought watches. There is no way to access it via menus.
Easter egg: Click on the SHIELD icon on the main menu to access profiles on the Avengers.

Easter egg: On the Region 2 UK two disc DVD version, on the disc 2, select 'Our World', scroll down to 'Battleground', it should highlight a Japanese symbol to the left of 'MAIN MENU', this is the Bay Bot Easter Egg.

Easter egg: Go to the page for scenes 13-16. After you wait for a while,(Note: a lot of patience is required to find this) a 17th scene will appear. Click on it and it will take you to a page with secret military files. Unfortunately, only three of them actually work. Only time will tell how to access the other ones.

Easter egg: This is on the Bonus/Feature DVD of 2-DVD set. Go to Behind the Scenes. Click on Publicity. An Omnidroid silhouette appears near the end of the menu's animation loop. When the silhouette appears, move the cursor right to highlight it and then click enter. A short clip will play that shows Dash & Mr Incredible competing for a TV remote. When that ends, if you click on the silhouette again, a different short clip of Mr Incredible & Frozone appears.

Easter egg: There's a short documentary on the DVD about the subliminal message cartoon that triggers River. To get to it, put the cursor on play on the main screen. From there, push the left button once. Now the cursor will be on the right side of the screen in the middle (up and down). Press enter.

Easter egg: In the two-disc special edition set, on the second disc, go to Complete Index of Unique Features, then Day Out Of Days, then click on virtually any item. Press up to find different Easter Eggs that will show you a small clip.

Easter egg: On disc 2 of the DVD, click on the comic. When the next screen appears, click on the evolution of Spider-Man and then rogues' gallery. Click on any of the villains' pictures. When the pictures appear you can get a larger rotating picture of Electro, Venom and Scorpion by highlighting the Spider-Man head at the bottom of the screen of this villain and pressing down. This then brings up an outline of Spider-Man and you then just simply click on it.

Easter egg: (Blu-ray) On Disk 1, open the "Extras" submenu and highlight "BD-Live". Press the Right arrow/button and a wire-frame of Iron Man will appear below it. Press the Enter button and a brief behind-the-scene vignette between Stan Lee and Robert Downey Jr. will appear.

Easter egg: To see a mini documentary on 360 effects, go to the dream world menu and look for a red pill. Highlight it and press enter.

Easter egg: When you enter the special features "Alternate ending" page, what you see is not always what you get. If you go down, highlight Main Menu, then hit right, you will highlight a little arrow. Hit enter to access a fantastic storyboard Radical alternate ending.

Easter egg: On the 2 disc Collectors Edition, on Disc 2, under the "Inside the Predator" sub menu, use the arrow keys to go "Up" from the Classified Action selection & the Predators aiming icon will appear next to the title (the 3 red dots the Predator uses to target his weapon with). It will run a brief 2 minute video entitled "Jesse's Ultimate Goal". In it Jesse explains what he wants to do in Hollywood & why he thinks can make the switch from wrestling to acting. He says he would like to work with Robert DeNiro.