Corrected entry: After the Graduation party, Scotty drunkenly urinates on his brother's bathrobe. He then flushes the toilet. He presses a button on top of the toilet to do this, which to my knowledge, can only be done in Europe.
Corrected entry: Absinthe is a very bright pale green, but it does not glow in the dark as seen in the film.
Correction: This is not a mistake. There are plenty of options used by nightclubs all over the world to make drinks appear to "glow", usually a mix of photoluminescent additives and the right lighting (usually a blacklight).
Corrected entry: Matt Damon is the lead singer of the band, which is a real band. They wrote "Scotty Doesn't Know" and are really performing it in the movie. This is confirmed on the commentary.
Correction: The band is a real band and they are in fact performing in the movie, but Matt Damon is not the band's real lead singer. The voice you hear is NOT Matt's voice, and the band's real name is Lustra.
Corrected entry: When Scotty tries to write back to Micha after she blocked him, he decides that he must go to Germany to find her, since Micha blocked Scott's email address. If Scotty really wanted to reach her, he could have emailed her from another email address.
Correction: She could have set up her account to block every email unless the email address is on a list that she allows to email her, in that case any other address would be blocked as well.
Correction: Or he could have mailed her a letter, since he had her family's physical address in Berlin.
Corrected entry: Despite the fact that their passports were stolen, the gang is still able to legally travel to Berlin and Rome.
Correction: They could have acquired emergency passports. Plus many European countries have stopped routine passport checks across borders with other EU countries.
Corrected entry: When Jenny calls Fiona a whore, one can tell that it was dubbed over from the less colorful "bitch". (00:06:45)
Correction: She clearly says "Whore".
Corrected entry: In Crans Sur Mer, when the naked women are sitting under the monument at the beach, one says in French, "The monument is very moving," and the other one says, "Oui," which means "Yes" but is subtitled with "Let's make out".
Correction: It's a joke. The beach at the monument is supposed to represent the boys' fantasies and expectations, in contrast to the one they arrive at.
Corrected entry: The first e-mail Scott writes to Meike is in German, the second one he writes in in English.
Correction: She speaks both German and English, so he can write it in English if he wants.
Corrected entry: Scott has a photo of Mieke and his/her cousin Jan, not knowing who is who. In German (which Mieke always uses when writing Scott) such mistake isn't possible; there are distinct words for male and female cousin. (00:14:40)
Corrected entry: In Mieke's email in which she says she is sorry about Fiona dumping him, Scotty read that "he" (Mieke) is sorry, but originally the mail begins with "I was a sad girl when I heard about Fiona dumping you" - at this point he should know that Mieke is a girl. (00:12:50)
Corrected entry: The Manchester United bus says, "If your not a mank, your a wank." It should say "you're."
Correction: Grammatically correct indeed but the level of intellect which comes up with this poetry might be expected to make such a mistake.
Corrected entry: When Cooper is in the hot tub with Candy, there's a blue towel on the chair to left of him. At the very end of the scene, the towel changes to a pinkish striped towel. (00:11:35)
Correction: Two chairs. Left chair ->blue towel, righ chair -> striped towel.
Corrected entry: In the scene when Scotty's dreaming about Mieke, in one shot she is standing in front of the camera wearing only panties and her breasts are round and full. The next shot as she is walking past the camera, from this view she looks pretty flat.
Correction: This seems to be more of a female anatomy thing than a mistake. Since breasts have weight to them, they hang. This causes them to look flattish from the side, but can still look pretty full from the front.
Corrected entry: In the train from Crans Sur Mer to Amsterdam Scott is reading printed messages from Mieke. If you look closely, you can notice that all messages has "To" field containing "Lieber Scott" (in German "Dear Scott"), same as "Subject" field. Actually "To" field should be """ (00:43:30)
Correction: If Mike has Scotty's name in her Address Book as "Lieber Scott" (as in a pet name for him) then this will show in the To line of the e-mail.
Corrected entry: The Manchester United tour bus leaves England and arrives in France. How can this be? They are separated by water.
Correction: There are both ferries and the Eurotunnel train that can take buses across the English Channel.
Corrected entry: Scotty's German penpal blocks his email. Scotty then decides the only way to contact her is to go to Germany. But all he had to do was email her from another email address.
Correction: Many computer users have their email accounts set up to block email coming from any unknown user as a way to eliminate "SPAM".
Corrected entry: When Scott sends Mika the email about her not coming to America and then Mika opens the email, why is it light at both places?
Correction: First, the writing and the reading were not simultaneous; the reading could have taken place the next morning. Second, it's not automatically night in Europe when it's daytime in the Americas.
Corrected entry: On the train, Scott is reading over Mika's old letters and says "she said I was the one." Scott thought Mika was a guy until she offered to come to America, so why wouldn't he have freaked out when she called him 'the one'?
Correction: It is conceivable that Scott took being "the one" in a different context when he thought Mika was a guy. Now that he knows Mika is a girl, he looked over the old letters, now fully understanding what they meant.
Corrected entry: There is no street/place called Friedrichshof in Berlin.
Correction: Fictional street for a fictional film.
Corrected entry: The name "Mieke" isn't German. It is in fact Dutch. The German version of "Mieke" is "Maike."
Correction: While, yes, Mieke is a Dutch name, that doesn't rule out its use elsewhere.
Correction: Wrong. My family owns several toilets with a flush-switch on the top. Its purely cosmetic.