Question: Since Shrek and Fiona were both turned in to humans by the Happily Ever After Potion and Donkey is turned in to Stallion, does anyone have an idea as to what Dragon would have become since she is Donkey's True Love?

Question: Why does Napoleon, who appears to be a junior or senior in high school, ride the bus with a bunch of little kids?
Answer: Because it is such a small town that the school system can not afford buses for grade level so they have to share them, plus it has comedic value as well.
Small town schools are usually K-12. The other older "cooler" students drive to school or get ride with their friends.

Question: Was there ever a real Heather Jasper Howe?
Answer: Yes! There was a real Heather Jasper Howe! Like the fake Heather Jasper Howe's True Identity is Jonathan Jacobo! He was arrested with Ned.
Answer: Yes.

Question: Why did the coach act so paranoid about safe sex if he was actually sleeping with a student?
Answer: Precisely because he was sleeping with a student. Getting her pregnant would bring their affair out into the open and create a scandal for the whole nation to know what he was up to. Therefore safe sex was really important to him.
True, but since he was spending time with her, he could make sure that birth control was being used (i.e. him using a condom). I think he was trying to appear "uptight" about sex, so he could be the least likely suspect.
Answer: He wanted to appear to be strict and "uptight" about sex, so people would be less likely to believe any rumors about him.

Question: When Bruce Willis, Julia Roberts and what's left of the gang go to the museum, several people tell Willis how much they liked him in "that one movie". Then they add something like "I knew it when she didn't speak to you in the restaurant". Are they referring to an actual movie?
Answer: The Sixth Sense. They mean that they figured out the true nature of his character when his wife doesn't directly acknowledge his presence in a restaurant.

Question: After it's all over and the 13 year old Jenna kisses the 13 year old Matt, Jenna said something like, "I gotta show you something." What was it?
Answer: The rest of their lives...Jenna changed the future where she was 30 to a different one where her and Matt live happily ever after.

Question: What would happen if Lucy stayed up all night and she was with Henry? Would she all of a sudden forget him or would it happen very slowly?
Chosen answer: Apparently, she loses all her daily memories when she enters a full sleep, so keeping her awake would have given them a chance to see each other for longer periods.
Then my question is what about the naps during the day that she takes?
Naps would reset her brain like any other sleep.

Question: How is it possible for everybody from other countries to know about the wager that Phileas made when the only ones who knew about were the members of the Academy of Science?
Answer: In order to stop Fogg from completing the journey, his rivals at the Academy wired (telegraphed) details to confederates in the countries he visited with instructions to waylay him.

Question: Can Will Ferrell actually play the flute?
Answer: Yes, he has played the flute since childhood.

Question: Why did Carla put on the red dress when she was going to take over the role of Eliza in the play, since the first act started with the outfit Lola was already wearing?
Answer: My only guess is that she had to make sure the dress fit before the play, or adjustments had to be made on the dress so it would fit her.
Answer: Lola mentions her mum taking her allowance in August or September. That means they're in the month of July which is summer break for America.
She's being dramatic. It's spring in New Jersey during the movie, so it's probably April/May and she says "I could really use the money now mom! Can't you take it next month or...September?" Indicating that September is a ways in the future.

Question: Was Patrick Stewart ever considered or asked to play the role of The Hood? Considering his Star Trek connection with director Jonathan Frakes, it would have seemed like an ideal piece of casting.
Answer: I did hear that Patrick Stewart was on the short list of actors to play the role, but he was in demand of both stage and film. He may have been doing X2 at the time.

Question: The movie is supposed to be three years after the first movie, which would make her 18. But on all the trailers, they say she is 21. Why is this?
Answer: I have visited a lot of websites and they all say the movie is supposed to be taking place 5 years after the first one and that would put her at about 21 since it should be a little after her birthday. Don't assume because this movie's made 3 years after the first that that's how long after the first one it's meant to be set.

Question: Why is Christopher Meloni credited as playing Freakshow? I could have sworn Chris Elliott played that character.
Chosen answer: According to IMDB at this link http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0366551/ Christopher Meloni was the only actor in this role. Chris Elliott was never in the movie.

Question: What happens to the Adam Sandler and Tea Leoni characters? Were there any cut scenes that explained it, or something? Does the marriage fall apart?
Answer: There were no explanations offered. I think the movie was far better in leaving that question, and whether or not he married Flor, unanswered. The focus was on the child and her respect for her mother - not the other relationship.

Question: Does anyone know what the joke is about Matt Damon always calling out his name? Is it supposed to be a reference to something?
Answer: I read an interview with Trey Parker and Matt Stone where they said that they had not intended for it to be that way but that when they made the Matt Damon puppet, it looked so retarded that they thought it would be funny to just have him be retarded in the movie and only say his name. They said it was nothing personal against Matt Damon.

Question: In a post-credits scene, Lola tries to find Oscar in his penthouse, but Crazy Joe pops up instead. I can't figure out Lola's fate, but does she stay with Crazy Joe or does he scare her away?
Answer: That's for you to interpret, but most likely she went swimming away screaming in terror, being chased by a crazy fish. Think "My Crazy Ex-Boyfriend" premise.

Question: As we know, the magnifying glass in Olaf's tower started the Baudelaire fire. This is the same tool that Klaus uses to burn up the marriage certificate. If the magnifying glass was powerful enough to cause the Baudelaire mansion to burst into flames, which was 37 blocks away, why didn't the stage burst into flames as well?
Answer: A magnifying glass concentrates all the light that goes through it at its focal point, and it is this focal point that needs to be placed on the object which one wants to set on fire. The distance of the focal point to the lens depends on the magnifying glass characteristics, and it is more than likely that Count Olaf chose a glass where the focal point would be situated exactly "37 blocks" away from his house, that is, at the Baudelaire's mansion. When trying to set on fire an object much, much closer, the glass would concentrate much, much less energy, and would only be able to set on fire easily burnt objects, such as thin paper.
Answer: It was confirmed by the filmmakers that Dragon is actually Donkey's true love, and that when Donkey was a stallion she changed as well, supposedly into a talking pegasus.