Best thriller movie quotes of 2003

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Bad Boys II picture

Mike Lowrey: We ride together, we die together. Bad boys for life.

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Thirteen picture

Tracy: He was crippled, but only his body was cracked. It's not simple, nor is it an easy matter to explain. "Let's just leave it at that," she says and closes the holy book of lies. She covers her eyes, denying to herself what she thought happened.

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Kill Bill: Volume 1 picture

O-Ren Ishii: As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, but always in a respectful manner, to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've chosen is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you. And I promise you, right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo. Except the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is: I collect your fucking head. [Holds up Boss Tanaka's head.] Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, NOW'S THE FUCKING TIME! [Silence.] I didn't think so.

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National Security picture

Lawyer: So Mr. Montgomery, are you claiming there was no bumblebee present at the time of the incident?
Earl Montgomery: No, I'm not. There was a bumblebee present, man.
Lawyer: Oh, good.
Earl Montgomery: And there were birds chirpin'. There were dogs barkin'. Hell, for all I know, there was a chipmunk in the bushes, humping a turtle! You know you gotta be careful with them chipmunks. They'll hump anything!

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The Life of David Gale picture

David Gale: There once was a lesbian from Cancun/ who took a young man up to her room/ where they argued all night/ as to who had the right/ to do what and how much and to whom.

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The Matrix Revolutions picture

Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than just your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. The temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desparately to justify an existence that is without meaning or porpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself, although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why?! Why do you persist?!
Neo: Because I choose to.

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Identity picture

Ed: Listen to me, dude, I'm having a really fucked-up, really wet, very bad fucking day.

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The Italian Job picture

Left Ear: We're in Italy. Speak English.

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Jeepers Creepers 2 picture

Scott 'Scotty' Braddock: I'm serious... You want to play cock of the walk, bro?
Deaundre 'Double D' Davis: Why do I think you want to call me something else? You want to call me something else, Scotty? 'Cause I don't think you get it. I can see you thinking it, whether you say it or not.

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The Core picture

Dr. Josh Keyes: So what's this about then?
FBI Agent: We don't know. You have higher security clearance than us.
Dr. Josh Keyes: I have security clearance?
FBI Agent: Yes sir, we're just here to take you to your jet.
Dr. Josh Keyes: I have a jet?!

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The Hunted picture

L.T.: I made him what he is, I can stop him.

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The Matrix Reloaded picture

Commander Lock: Dammit, Morpheus. Not everyone believes what you believe.
Morpheus: My beliefs do not require them to.

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Dreamcatcher picture

Pete: Bingo... Did you say bingo like the game in church basements?
Beaver: Well there's trim there.
Pete: Oh, Beaver.

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre picture

Morgan: What are we gonna do?
Kemper: I don't know... uh... we gotta call the cops, I guess.
Morgan: Um, yeah, on a list of bad ideas, that one goes, way up there. Oh, police officers, please, as you inspect a crime scene, which is now our van, please, ignore the colorful pinata, filled with marijuana, in case you happen to come across it, because it played no part, you know, whatsoever in the demise of this unfortunate, young, woman.

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2 Fast 2 Furious picture

Brian O'Conner: You ready for this?
Roman: Come on, man. Guns, murderers and crooked cops? I was made for this, bro.

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The Rundown picture

Hatcher: I suppose now we have a conversation where you enlighten me. How many more of you are out there? Enlighten me. Where are the rest of your compadres? Enlighten me.

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Gothika picture

Chloe: It was the only way to help him stop.
Miranda: Stop what?
Chloe: Stop fucking me.

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