Brian O'Conner: Nice shirt, Bilkins.
Agent Bilkins: It's my day off.
Brian O'Conner: You ready for this?
Roman: Come on, man. Guns, murderers and crooked cops? I was made for this, bro.
Roman: Fuentes in with Verone, Markham trying to blow our cover and we got two wired cars that are better than that ankle braclet of mine. I tell you, bro. You let your man Markham do that shit again in front of Verone, that's gonna be our ass.
Brian O'Conner: I know man, it's getting thick real quick. We need some way out through some kind of exit strategy.
Roman: Exit strategy, huh?
Brian O'Conner: Yeah.
Roman: I like the way that sounds. What you got in mind?
Brian O'Conner: I don't know man, but we need two more cars.
Tej: All right. You each got a barrel to go around down at the end of the road here. Second wave gotta sit tight till your partner crosses this line right here. First team to go down and back twice wins the race... At which point, the losers WILL hand over them keys. Otherwise, you'll be eating breakfast through straws from now on.
Roman Pearce: Don't even think about takin' the convertible. It might loosen your mousse.
Brian O'Conner: No, that's cool. That's too much chrome for me anyways.
Enrique: You know, I like you. But I still gotta kill you. It's my job.
Roman: He did the stare and drive on you, didn't he? He got that from me.
Brian O'Conner: You still fight like shit, bro.
Roman: We did all that for a damn cigar?
Verone: No you did that for a job.
Answer: If you are talking about the one that is played while the Universal logo is still on, it is 'Like A Pimp' by David Banner. As far as the other one, try and search for this movie. When you get there, go to 'soundtrack listing' and it will display a list of every song played in the movie, whether it was on the soundtrack or not.
T Poston