Woo-jin Lee: Dae-su Oh talks too much.

Samuel Jones: If I stay here very long, I might misbehave. Somebody might have to kill me.

Le tueur: You drive a woman crazy. You little slut.

James Clayton: All I know about the CIA is that they're a bunch of fat, old white guys who fell asleep when we needed them most.

Ron Launius: What the fuck am I going to do with a microwave?
John Holmes: You can heat food with it.
Ron Launius: The only thing I want to heat up right now is some dope.

Scott: Carly, Carly, Carly, sweet pea, look at me. We are gonna get out of this, I swear to you, we are. Okay? We're gonna find a road, we're gonna get to a town, and we're goin' home. And we're gonna get married. All right? And we are never going into the woods again.

Shiori Kitano: The thing people fear most isn't dying, it's being forgotten.

Inspector Lau Kin Ming: I'm a cop too.

Frank Mercer: You waited too long. No prize for you.

Sean Vetter: They call us down here. They take away our weapons? They expect us to go into a building full of drunken cartel gunmen unarmed? I mean, that isn't fun.
Ty Frost: You're not gettin' paid to have fun. Good luck, gentlemen.