Nick Parker: You two help Meredith.
Meredith Blake: Sure you'll help me. Right over a cliff, you'll help me.
Hallie Parker: Not a bad idea.
Annie James: Yeah, see any cliffs?

Simba: Kiara.
Zira: Kovu. Move.
Simba: Stand aside.
Kiara: Daddy, this has to stop.
Zira: You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way.
Kovu: You'll never hurt Kiara or Simba. Not while I'm here.
Simba: Stay out of this.
Kiara: A wise king once told me, "We are one." I didn't understand him then. Now I do.
Simba: But - they.
Kiara: Them? Us? Look at them. They are us. What differences do you see?

Emperor: The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
Shang: Sir?
Emperor: You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty.

Rameses: I will not be the weak link.

Andrei Strasser: Monsterle! Monsterle.

Hopper: If I didn't promise my mother on her deathbed that I wouldn't kill you, I'd kill you!
Molt: You know, no-one appreciates that more than I do.

Z: Let's be real about this. Bala and I... Bala is a princess, and I'm a soil relocation engineer.

Ivy: Somebody has to teach this beautiful bird some manners. Might as well be me.
Paulie: What's wrong with my manners?

Miss Clavel: You're giving me a gray hair.
Madeline: Could I see?
Miss Clavel: No.

Mewtwo: Human and Pokemon can NEVER be friends.

Veronica Micelli: Professor! Come here.
James Krippendorf: Oh... Tinker Bell.

Aggie Cromwell: Magic is really very simple, all you've got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.

Lisa Dolittle: ...There's more to this HMO deal than money. You sell, they own you.
Dr. John Dolittle: Lisa, this is gonna be good for us.
Lisa Dolittle: I'm so tired of that rap. It's always for US, but sometimes I don't know who US IS!.