Major Chip Hazard: If it lacerates or detonates, I want it mobile and I want it lethal.
Archer: Greetings. I am Archer, emissary or the Gorgonites.
Alan: Awfully polite for a monster.
Gil Mars: What are you worried about? They're only toys.
Gwendy Doll: Watch out! She's got a baton! It's a Bataan death march.
Archer: Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.
Phil Fimple: I think World War II was my favorite war.
Ralph, Clean Room Technician: The chips are a little sensitive to EMP.
Irwin Wayfair: EMP?
Ralph, Clean Room Technician: Electomagnetic Pulse. As in the kind generated by the detonation of a nuclear device? I doubt that the toy industry has become quite that competitive.
Punch-It: We shouldn't fight, we should hide.
Archer: If we hide, we will still lose. No more hiding.
Major Chip Hazard: We're not toys, we're action figures.
Archer: Alan, friend of Archer, defender of all Gorgonites, Keeper of Encarta.
Alan: "Keeper of Encarta"? You were using my computer? If I find a virus in there you're headed for the microwave.
Major Chip Hazard: I love the smell of polyurethane in the morning.