Corrected entry: When McHale is developing the pictures at his house, Maj. Vladikov fires a missile at the wall and makes a hole in it. The hole changes shape in the very next scene to a perfectly round hole.

Corrected entry: The morning after the students kidnap Mr. Griffin, his wife goes to the police to report him missing. Later that morning, the police are questioning Susan about his whereabouts. However, the police usually wait about 48 hrs. before declaring anyone over the age of 18 missing and beginning their search for them.
Correction: This is a movie/TV myth. Police departments do NOT have a waiting period for declaring adults missing, especially when someone is concerned enough to file a missing persons report.

Corrected entry: When Jeff Daniels is sitting on the curb after falling through the courthouse ceiling, Charlize Theron spots him and lets him in her truck. She then re-enters to the driver's seat through the tailgate, which she leaves open. The next shot shows the two arriving at her trailer, but the tailgate is now closed.
Correction: First off, the next shot is not at the trailer, there are several shots of them driving, and the tailgate is open/down the whole time. When she pulls into where her trailer is, you see her go over a bump and you see the tailgate pop up as well, into an almost closed position.

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the film, Charlie Gordon walks in on Herb Sullivan's day-late celebration of what would have been his forty-fifth wedding anniversary; yet when Herb has his first dance with Vivian, he tells her that he and his late wife danced the whole night at their wedding, and "never stopped dancing for forty-SIX years."
Correction: They could have been dating for 46 years and been a couple for that long, having been together one year before they got married. So, in total, 46 years.

Corrected entry: Why is the old woman who betrays Simon calling the mobsters in English? Shouldn't she do that in their own native tongue?
Correction: This is a standard film making technique - she speaks English so the audience will understand her without having to use subtitles.

Corrected entry: As Chris Tucker and Charlie Sheen are chased through an alley at night they break through the glass of a deli and hide after being spotted by a security camera. The French gangster follows carrying a machine gun and then, upon seeing the view of the store in the monitor, proceeds to shoot out the MONITOR, not the camera. Amazingly this was enough, as the police who get the tape later don't see the French gangster and only see Tucker and Sheen.
Correction: It is never stated that they didn't see the French gangster. They were just obviously more interested in Sheen and Tucker because they already had a positive I.D. on the both of them. They are likely not going to ignore that the French gangster was on the tape with a gun, but most likely they would try and apprehend their main suspects first, and then interrogate them later.

Corrected entry: When Serafine turns into a werewolf, her knees bend backward and turn into hocks (the equivalent of the human ankle). And her upper leg bones bend forward to become stifles (the equivalent of the human knee. Since wolves and humans have very similar leg structure, there would be no need for her joints to do this. All that would really be needed is a lengthening of her bones from her ankles downward. Instead, she now has an extra set of joints in her leg.
Correction: She is also transforming into a mythical creature and the fact that her bones change at all ignore any factual or physiological truths. Thus her bones can change however they want and there's nothing to suggest her ankles don't change unseen, leaving her with no extra joints. Even with extra joints, there's nothing to suggest werewolves don't have a different physiological structure than humans and wolves.

Corrected entry: When Keanu Reeves is about to go see his father, he goes out into the empty street and looks back. There you see the shadow of a film crew member in the middle of the street. (01:56:05)
Correction: Kevin walks out of the hosptial, after talking to Pam, looks back and she is gone Before walking out into the middle of the street that is his shadow near the curb. I have watched this whole scene (until they cut to being in Milton's office) several times in slow-motion and there is never any other shadow but Kevin's.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Margo is running through the laboratory, knocking glasses and vials over to make the place flammable so she can kill the creature. She must have some strong feet, because there's all this broken glass all over the floor, and she's running around with only pantyhose between her feet and the floor.
Correction: When she knocks the jars and bottles over, they fall behind her. The floor where she is running doesn't have the broken glass on it yet. She'd only hurt her feet if she turned around and went back the way she came.

Corrected entry: When the exterminator (Mark Williams) accidently sprays the yellow goo onto Mr. Potter's face, it takes off his mustache but it didn't take off his eyebrows.
Correction: When the exterminator was pulling it off, he pulled it closer to the moustache than the eyebrows.

Corrected entry: In every scene in the front of the bus where Richard E Grant sits to use the desk/phone, there is a large board behind him with various tasks on it, one of which reads "COMPETION", rather than "COMPETITION"
Correction: So someone misspelled it. Not really a movie mistake, but a character mistake.

Corrected entry: If the woman from the village is pregnant, then how come she maintains the same weight throughout the later part of the movie?
Correction: Many women who are pregnant do not look it, and we never hear what her weight is.
Correction: Mainly large woman can hide their pregnancy. Normally thin woman show terribly and could be spotted easily. The main question is not if she was showing but how did she keep the child. She admitted that Bethlehem could not get it excited and he beat her instead of prima nocta which would have cause a miscarriage. This is a fact knowing that women have fallen and had miscarriages.

Corrected entry: When Rollo and Bugsy try to bug Rod's hotel room they get surprised by his premature arrival. They fail to make it through the connecting door to the adjacent room because it slams shut when Cub pushes the basket away that keeps it open. So, they all have to hide in the wardrobe. When the guests leave they slip out and Bugsy is the first who apparently makes it through the locked door, at least that's the only way he could have disappeared by the time Willa returns; the second one is Cub who sneaks through the same door while Willa is talking to Rollo. (00:53:45 - 00:59:45)
Correction: While they are in the wardrobe, the blonde animal keeper goes into the other room with the sheep. You can see her opening the connecting door, so it isn't locked anymore by the time they leave.

Corrected entry: Jim takes John to the so-called ballroom to show him a piece of his collection, the dagger with which Rasputin was killed. John puts his half-empty champagne glass down, and when Jim opens the box with the dagger the glass is almost full again. (00:23:55)
Correction: Not at all - the liquid remains consistent. Actually, Jude Law's hand changes on the bottle from the camera angle switch when he asks for $20. From the body of the bottle to the neck.

Corrected entry: Demi Moore shaves her own head wearing only her uniform and t-shirt. Yet when she finishes shaving there's no sign of even a single hair on her. She also never brushed away any hair from her neck or shoulders. After a haircut like that it would be all over her.
Correction: The scene is not shown in real time, but a series of small shots. During these shots, you can make out lots of hairs that stick to her; however, she could also have taken the time in between cuts to brush some of it away. In the last shot, for instance, of her running her hands over her freshly shaven head, she has had time to even out the few remaining stripes seen in the shot before, and put away the shaving machine. It is not unlikely she brushed away as much hair as possible during the same cut.

Corrected entry: In the scene of Josh's last game against the Warriors, just before the ball is tipped, behind the Refs and above the stands is the electronic scoreboard. The scoreboard reads 20:00, however, this is a high school game, regulation states they are to set the game clock at 8:00.
Correction: This is a middle school game, not High School. Therefore it is very likely that the game was played running-clock style which would account for the extra time on the score board.

Corrected entry: When the Lewis & Clark is approaching the Event Horizon it matches its speed, yet the two ships continue to close on each others' positions. This might mean that the two ships are travelling towards each other, instead of on the same course, but then matching speed should only take place when the Lewis & Clark is ready to connect to the Event Horizon.
Correction: I don't recall any moment where it is stated that the Event Horizon is actually in motion. They actually have to watch their speed to not crash into the Event Horizon when they approach it.

Corrected entry: The woman driving the car could have easily pulled off the motorway and just drove around in the field, waiting for the petrol to run out.
Correction: This is a character mistake, not a movie mistake.

Corrected entry: When Brad Pitt gives a watch as a present to his best friend, this friend looks at the back of the watch and there is text engraved. At the end you read the year - 1982. This movie is set in the 40s and 50s.
Correction: It is 1932, not 1982.

Corrected entry: When Jerome (Vincent) is telling Irene that he is a "God child" and says "mine is already 10,000 beats overdue" referring to his heart. Even for a super athlete, whose heart only beats 10 beat per minute, that's 1000 minutes of extra life. That's only 16 hours - less than a single day. Maybe it should have been 10-million beats. (01:26:00)
Correction: Saying his is 10000 beats overdue is not supposed to be literal. She's simply saying that what genetics has determined to be his death (30.2 or something) is wrong, and he's lived longer then expected.
Correction: The hole never changes shape nor is it ever perfectly round. In both the interior and exterior shots, you can see the bottom of the hole is a perfectly straight row of bricks.