Corrected entry: In the first Mortal Kombat, Raiden's hair is long and loose, in the second Mortal Kombat, which continues where the first one left off, his hair is tied up.

Corrected entry: During Dirk's first "Brock Landers" movie, he approaches the blonde girl while wearing an apron. From the front, you can see his bare neck and chest, but from behind he looks to have a scarf or apron tie around his neck.
Correction: This happened in the porn film within the actual movie, so any mistakes in the porn film would be considered character mistakes.

Corrected entry: The American troops were issued 30 caliber Krag-Jorgensen breech loading rifles, yet, at the 1:13 hour on the second disc, a trooper is firing what appears to be a civil war-era percussion muzzle loader.
Correction: It is true that the main issue weapon for the US Army in 1898, was in fact the Krag Rifle .30-40 Army. It was only issued to regular infantry, and the carbine was issued to the US Cavalry. Several units STILL had the 1873 .45-70 Govt Springfield Rifle and Carbine, due to lack of money spent by the government to acquire the newly adopted longarm. Along with this, the mixed issuance of both the .45 Colt Peacemaker and the 1890 double action .38 spl Colt and Smith and Wesson revolvers. With National Guard units participating in the campaign, many still had the 1873 Springfield in their armories. My Great Grandfather served with the 1st Vol. Cavalry, which has several National Guard units supporting it, and noted the difference of weapons carried by members of several units. Some had their own sidearms, and a few in the Guard units had brought their own lever action Winchester rifles, many chambered in the older .45-70 Govt round, like shown in the scene with Frederic Remington painting.

Corrected entry: How did they survive after Harland wastes all of their food?
Correction: All of the food wasn't eaten. It was said by Harland that they still had food, just not appetizing food (such as anchovy paste.)

Corrected entry: When Lyle falls face first into the elephant droppings, his shirt is covered in poop. The next scene (seconds later) his shirt is perfectly clean.
Correction: He was wearing a blue shirt over another one.

Corrected entry: When Lomper tries to kill himself with his car, you see Dave running back, opening the door and throwing Lomper on the ground; then closing the car door. Then Lomper insults Dave who throws him back into the car - this time the car door is open again.

Corrected entry: When Kat falls from the cliff, she calls out her morpher. She is then seen in her power ranger suit. But when she hits the water, she is not in her suit.
Correction: She is not in her suit when she hits the water, because the water stopped the transformation. The reason she began to transform was to protect her from the drop. But she hit the water while transforming and that stopped it.

Corrected entry: Just after Quinn's escape he's going to visit Yaz the armsdealer. Yaz's "office" is located in Antwerp, Belgium. He then goes with Yaz to his old house, which I presume is somewhere in the US. No way could they get there by means of that little plane so fast.
Correction: It is stated that Quinn's house is in the south of France. That's not too far from Belgium, not as far as the US anyway.

Corrected entry: When Alex gets into cab in NY city there's an ad on top of the cab for Caesar's Palace - when he gets out the ad's gone.
Correction: The ad's actually on the side of the bus next to the cab when he gets into it.

Corrected entry: When the wooden horse is being pulled into Troy, there is an overhead shot in which you can tell that it's at least 15 feet taller than the city gates. How did they get it inside?
Correction: It was intentional. The Trojans had to take apart part of the walls and gates to get it in. The Greeks couldn't break through the Trojan walls so they built the horse intentionally bigger than the gate. They left behind one man with a story to entice the Trojans to get the horse into the city. This way, the Trojans broke through their own walls allowing the rest of the Greek army into the city.

Corrected entry: When his father realises Chuy is missing from his bedroom, he phones the police and is told they can't do anything for 48 hours. It is inconceivable that the police would refuse to act when a child of about 12 goes missing. (00:45:00)
Correction: Many police departments will not list a child or person as missing for 24-48 hours, particularly in a huge city.

Corrected entry: Oscar Wilde is seen giving testimony during his trial. In Britain, defendants were not allowed to give evidence at their own criminal trials until 1898, and Wilde's trial was around 1895/6.
Correction: There is a substantial amount of historical evidence that Wilde did indeed give testimony at his trials.

Corrected entry: When Joe first phones Pat McCune at the FBI he gives his date of birth as 10 Dec 1960. Later, at the police station, the report showing he has a Swiss bank account gives his DOB as 7 March 1962. (01:11:35)
Correction: Because the account was not set up by Campbell Scott but by Steve Martin to incriminate Scott, Martin probably gave the bank a wrong DOB to make Scott look more guilty.

Corrected entry: When Guido drives off with Dora after the opera, his car gets stuck between two posts and her dress is torn as they try to get her out of the jammed door. They walk the rest of the way home (Dora is holding a pillow to her backside to hide the tear) and when they part ways at her gate, she turns and the viewer can see her dress is no longer torn.
Correction: The dress is still torn when Dora turns around. You can easily tell from the white gap that runs from top to bottom.

Corrected entry: When Ann and Runaway are on the train, he tells her that human being have been taken from earth because they have something the cyborgs do not have: hands. But the two cyborgs we see in the film definitely do have hands and can use them just like human beings (can be seen e. g. in the scene where the first cyborg attacks Runaway with a pipe between the cardboard boxes). Runaway (who is not blind and is referring to all cyborgs at this moment) would have known that the cyborgs have hands.
Correction: The cyborgs are missing thumbs, not their hands. You can see at several points in the film that they wear gloves and have no thumbs.

Corrected entry: During the scene when Michelle is dreaming that she is at the reunion, she is hit by a limo. She rolls over the limo and ends up knocking the wing off of the trunk. A couple of scenes later when the two cars are driving off, the wing is back on. (00:52:05 - 00:57:05)
Correction: It's a dream sequence, anything can happen.

Corrected entry: In the begining, when Tim Allen leaves the boat to find his wife, he takes nothing with him. Yet later, when the boatman leaves, Tim has his bags, computers, and technical stuff.
Correction: This is not a mistake because after the boat driver left, the children on the island were playing with his equipment. Meaning that the boat driver took his things out before leaving. So, therefore Tim Allen had his things all along.

Corrected entry: Rudy goes to Cleveland to get depositions under oath from four employees of Great Benefits. He gets quite angry when he realizes that the first two he calls had been fired and can't be heard. The third one is Everett Lufkin who wrote the infamous last letter to Dot Black. Rudy says that he is going to get the deposition from him and pack up and leave after that. We never find out who the fourth one is and why Rudy is not interested in getting his/her deposition. (01:01:55)
Correction: Not a mistake since Rudy is still green around the gills as a lawyer. He could have forgotten since he was so upset that he is getting the run-a-round from Great Benefit's lawyers.

Corrected entry: In the cablecar-pursuit the cablecar crashes into a car and the car rolls over, when it is upside down you can see that there is no one in the car (not even a dummy).
Correction: Right before the tram hits the car, everyone runs out of it.

Corrected entry: A few shots are taken from the back seat of Jerry's taxi, where you can see the driver's ID. It's clearly not his photo, nor his name.
Correction: This is totally in keeping with the character and the movie. Gibson's character is extremely paranoid about people following him so he would never share his name, or even his picture, with just anyone that gets into the cab. The name in the cab was Arab or Indian, so it obviously was not the director changing Gibson's character's name at the last minute.
Correction: And? Is there a rule that says Elder Gods can't change hairstyles?