Corrected entry: There are some serious time contradictions in this movie. Kris Kristofferson's son goes to visit him and is back within a day. This is from rural Kentucky to Atlantic City.

Corrected entry: When Paul goes to get the beers out of the fridge in Libitz's house, he opens the fridge door and takes out two beers. Then he clearly slams the fridge door. A second later, we see him walking back into the living room and he is carrying not two, but three bottles of beer.
Correction: If you look carefully, he grabs the third with his thumb in the same hand then slams the door with his other hand.

Corrected entry: In the scene where The "Beaver" is putting on his football uniform in the locker room, his 21 jersey is either on inside-out, or the film is reversed. When he appears on the field in the next scene, his 21 jersey is on correctly.
Correction: That's because in the locker room, the view is of Beaver looking at himself in the mirror, so his image is reversed.

Corrected entry: The Djinn grants two wishes to Alex's boss: One for making the item on his desk "100 times more valuable", then granting him $1 million by having his mother die in a plane crash. He is only able to grant one wish to a person (save for the one who releases him from the Opal). The Djinn directly states that he can't grant more than one wish to a single person in the second film, when the Russian asks him for a second wish.
Correction: At first glance, that would be correct. However, look a little more closely. Earlier in the film, he seems to grant two wishes to the sales girl and the security guard. In all cases, including with Alex's boss, he asks them to tell them what they wanted but in all three cases, it wasn't what they desired, but more something along the lines of what they needed to do in the course of their work. Each time it was merely a demonstration of his power (asking the sales girl if she preferred cash for a purchase, telling the security guard to ask him for something, and Alex's boss if he wanted something to be more valuable and then granting that wish) in order to tempt them to make a wish that was much more personal to them (sales girl stating to always be beautiful, to see him go through the security guard, and a million dollars for Alex's boss). For example, he tricked the scientist, the bum, the detective, the doctor, the bouncer at Beaumont's party, Beaumont, and Wendy each into making a personal wish without having to demonstrate his power first. The wish he had to grant was a personal desire of the wisher's own free will and not something they were directed into making when it wasn't something personal.

Corrected entry: In the beginning narrative, the little boy says Big Mama's brother stays in his room watching his TV. At the end of the movie, when the uncle brings his TV down stairs and drops it, money starts flying around. All that paper would surely have caused a fire during the TV's use.
Correction: Paper ignites at 451 degrees Farenheit. As long as the paper didn't come into direct contact with an electric arc, it's unlikely that the paper would ignite before the increase in temperature either caused the TV to stop operating or the uncle to notice the room heating up remarkably.

Corrected entry: When the porn stars are preparing for the DVDA shot, you can see that all five actors are white. But when it cuts to Joe watching the scene being filmed, you can see a pair of black legs in the air.
Correction: Actually that is the woman's stockings that you see in the air, not a black person.

Corrected entry: Position of Magoo's water table, at the lodge meeting.
Correction: What about it? You didn't say what's wrong with it.

Corrected entry: Spawn is nearly at point-blank range when he shoots Priest in the head. This should have taken her head off, but instead there is nothing but a tiny hole.
Correction: Actually compared to most movies, this is far more realistic. Bullets don't make body parts and heads explode, nor do they make the victim fly through the air. The small hole is right. It may have done far more extensive damage to the back of her head, but we never see it.

Corrected entry: When the bad guys start to push the daughter's car toward the edge of the cliff, we see her stepping on the brakes, trying to stop. A few more seconds pass as her car continues toward the edge. Why didn't she just open the door and get out of the car when it was obvious that she was going over the edge? It seems like there was plenty of time to bail out.
Correction: It is rather difficult for many people to think rationally when they are mortally endangered. In this case, she spent all of her concentration maintaining the pressure on the brakes, leaving her no opportunity to make another decision.

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, if you look closely at the shadows of Adam, it looks almost identical to the Evangelions, specifically Unit 01.
Correction: Adam is supposed to look like an Evangelion. They are modeled after him.

Corrected entry: When Holden finds out that Alyssa is a lesbian, he freaks out. But shouldn't he already know that since the first time he saw her she was on a minority panel at a comic con for being a lesbian?
Correction: It is never said that she is on the panel for being a lesbian, it is possible she was on the panel for being a woman in a mostly male world. That is what Holden assumed anyway.

Corrected entry: In the scene where she is leaving to go to Melvin's house you can see her bra strap/connector in her overly tight shirt. By the time she gets to Melvin's place she has on a very wet t-shirt with her nipples prominently showing. Did she give her bra to the bus driver?
Correction: Actually, she's just wearing an unpadded bra (aka soft cup). When she goes through the revolving door into the apartment building and that dressy woman gives her a weird look, you can see by her back that she's wearing a bra, it just doesn't deal with rain very well.
Correction: Kris Kristofferson has "a lot of money" as he put it to Taggart. He could easily afford a private jet or helicopter to fly his son up to Atlantic city and back. Kentucky and New Jersey aren't really that far apart by air.