Corrected entry: When Fletcher is beating himself up in the bathroom, watch the part with the soap. He squirts and rubs it only on his palms, but rubs his eyes with his fingers and screams.

Corrected entry: When Dubov is in prison and is about to be electrocuted, his boots are taken off and he is left with inner boots. After the shooting and killing, he scrambles on the floor and is barefoot when he throws the cot against the security guards, then he climbs up the stairs and has the inner boots on again.
Correction: First, Dubov is not about to be "electrocuted", he is in the prison clinic to receive electric shock treatment for misbehavior and second, he is actually barefoot when the scene opens. Third, it is Sean (as Castor Troy) whose magnetic boots are taken off, when he is dragged into the clinic and he is left with regular boots. Fourth, during the rest of this scene, Dubov remains barefoot and Sean (as Castor) wears the boots.

Corrected entry: We hear the M&M swirling around in the glass beaker long after it stops.

Corrected entry: During the milk jugs scene, if you watch Austin pouring the milk into the cups, you can see he's missing the cup on the right side, probably to stay in line to cover up Liz. You can see the milk pouring onto the saucer. (01:22:30)
Correction: He's pouring the milk into the cup, just pouring it at a steep angle so there's milk spilling over the side (not coming out the lip) and that's what's spilling onto the saucer.

Corrected entry: The officer who says "Sound the general alarm" right at the beginning of the film on HMS Devonshire is wearing a badge of the rank Lieutenant Commander when he is announcing that the MIGs are flying over. A second later when he says "officer of the watch, maximum speed" his rank has changed to Commander. (00:12:10)
Correction: No, the man who says, "Sound the general alarm" is the XO (number 2 in command), and the man who says, "Officer of the watch, maximum speed" is the Commanding Officer (Captain). He just comes onto the bridge when he says so. He was probably off duty and in his cabin. The voices aren't the same.

Corrected entry: The woman in the control tower states that the 747-200 is the most sophisticated airliner around. No it isn't. This film was made in 1997. In 1997 we had Concorde (a little more sophisticated) and we had Airbus, the most automated and computerized airliner around. We also had newer versions of the 747, which were more sophisticated.
Correction: Well the person may have been intentionally trying to make the girl flying the plane feel better and safer, or it may have simply been a character mistake where she meant to say "ONE of the most sophisticated airliners around". Both are very possible.

Corrected entry: The movie is set in October, yet when characters pass by a Hallmark shop in one scene, we see signs inside the store promoting Father's Day.
Correction: Due to the extreme nature of The Game, it is quite possible that the store was in on it too, especially given the circumstances with Nick's father.

Corrected entry: In the car chase in Vienna, the car driven by Clooney is a Mercedes, yet when the chase is viewed from inside his car, he is driving a BMW 5 series.
Correction: Inside shots from the chase in Vienna shows that George Clooney is driving a Mercedes, not a BMW 5-series. The steering wheel shows the Mercedes-Benz logo, the wooden paneling and the instrument buttons are just like they are in almost every Mercedes of that year and the gear selector of the automatic gearbox is from mercedes since the groove where the selector is moving has different slots, out of the centerline, for every gear. BMW automatic gearbox selector groove is in a straight line.

Corrected entry: Near the beginning, an overhead shot shows Freeman's Porsche on the interstate as he goes to Duke University to investigate. Duke is in Durham, NC. If you know the area, you'll notice that when he approaches the exits and must take one, he takes the exit to Raleigh, NC, however, and not to Durham.
Correction: Coming from the north, you could take a Raleigh exit and get to Duke University by driving through town.

Corrected entry: When Dimitri, Anya, and Vlad jump off the train they have about 4 or 5 pieces of luggage. Then at the end of the song 'You can do it too' when they are standing on the ship they have two pieces of luggage and Dimitri has a duffel bag.
Correction: About 3 days pass between the scene where they jump off the train and at the end of the song "You can do it too" Not to mention they cross several countries. It's totally possible that within that time span they got rid of some of their luggage or transfered it into a lighter load to make it easier to carry. Demetri buys Anastasia a dress around this time off-screen, so it's possible that this is when he got the duffel bag or changed luggage.

Corrected entry: When Kevin Spacey is alone in the bar looking at the $50 bill (quite a close up), it's a bill dated from the 80's or 90's. (01:12:55)
Correction: This is incorrect. On the blu ray edition, you can see "series of 1934" printed in the upper left corner of the bill in the close up shot.

Corrected entry: When the vehicle is hanging off the cliff and the glass at the rear slowly begins to crack, it does so like sheet ice (or conventional window glass). Safety glass in vehicles would either be laminated (in which case it wouldn't shatter at all), or it would break into a million fragments. (00:55:55)
Correction: There's nothing to suggest it was a safety glass window. We see crew members welding on the vehicles and the fact that the deadline was cut could mean they used a conventional window to save time.

Corrected entry: Billy Connolly may look more sensible with a full beard, but in reality Brown had a shaved upper lip.
Correction: When filmmakers choose to change the physical appearance of an historical figure such as John Brown, it is a standard accepted movie convention. The filmmakers do not claim this film to be a historical documentary, and as such, they are not obligated to be factually accurate. This is referred to as artistic license.

Corrected entry: There are 2 clear references to Speed: Tune-Man, the owner of the $150,000 boat, is the same as the Jaguar owner which is destroyed by Jack (Reeves) in order to get into the bus - when Jason Patric asks him the boat, after introducing himself as police officer, you can hear Tune Man say something about the insurance. The second, near the end, while Sandra Bullock starts her driving exam, she almost hits a bus very similar to the famous 2525.
Correction: This is intentional, and far too obvious to be trivia.

Corrected entry: When Gerald and Sean talk about Will wasting his potential, Gerald refers to Einstein as a Swiss patent clerk who did physics in his spare time instead of getting drunk each night with his buddies in Vienna. Einstein worked in Bern/Switzerland, whereas Vienna is the capital of Austria, where Einstein never lived. (01:13:15)
Correction: Character mistake.

Corrected entry: In one shot of Grace having sex with Jake, underwear is visible on her hip. (01:43:25)
Correction: Perfectly possible to have sex with underwear on.

Corrected entry: When Sonny crashes his car into the lake, his brown leather bag is visible on the passenger seat, and when he leaps out of the car he doesn't have it with him, yet in the next shot as he comes out of the tall grass, the bag is slung diagonally across his body.
Correction: If you watch closely as the car is rolling down in the lake, and right after Sonny jumps out, you can see the bag has fallen out as well. It is thrown to the right of Sonny and to the left of the car.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie in a scene playing in July 1995 Max Cherry says that he is 56 years old. But earlier we see his bail-agent-id on which his date of birth is stated as 03.15.48. This date of birth would make him 47 years old. The info displayed on the ID is that of Robert Forrester, the actor who plays him.
Correction: Robert Forster was born on 7/13/41, so the ID card was not his at all.
Correction: Scene not on DVD - saw the film 5 times. Forster shows his ID once in the entire film, to Jackie Brown when he picks he up from jail, in his car when she asks to see it, and the info. Shows the entire card. Says "Max Cherry (etc.), with no birth date on it. Nor any date at all. Maybe it was re-shot on the DVD or at some point after its theater run ended?

Corrected entry: In the bar scene at the beginning of the movie, the clock behind the bartender is shown repeatedly over a five minute span. It is constantly 9:25.
Correction: So the clock has stopped. Happens from time to time with even the best clocks.

Corrected entry: When Martin exits his car when he first drives up to the now Ultimart, formerly his home, a cigarette drops off his lap. Martin Blank does not smoke. John Cusack does smoke.
Correction: We never see Martin Blank smoking, but we never see him taking a shower, either - and that doesn't mean he doesn't do so. Perhaps he's a very light smoker and only has one or two a day. something we aren't around to see?
Correction: Actually I watched this part and he rubs it on his whole hand, including his fingers. Maybe it wasn't a lot on his fingers but who wants to put a lot of soap in their eyes? He wasn't that desperate.