Joe Wilson: You're too darned smart.
Tom Servo: And handsome.
Cal Meecham: I may just be the dumbest man who ever lived.
Mike: No argument here.
Rat: I say! Badger.
Teacher: All you need to say is two words... two specific words, though. What they are? 'Not. Guilty.'.
Sala: The Phantom helped Diana to escape. I think he's in love with her.
Xander Drax: Oh really? This is getting more interesting by the minute. Why do you say that?
Sala: Because he could have had me... but he picked her. That could only be love.
Xander Drax: Or simply bad judgment.
David Alden: You must be Amy. I gave you Silly Putty once for Christmas. You ate it.
The President: Let's face it - he's dead.
Brazen: I agree.
Commander Mallory: Plissken's been dead so many times, I can't count them all. But he never stays down.
Nagiko: I am certain that there are two things in life which are dependable: the delights of the flesh and the delights of literature. I have had the good fortune to enjoy them both equally.
Tommy: He saved my life once.
Debbie: What, he was gonna kill you but he changed his mind?
Raymond Hurdicure: So I hear dad's dead. Hey, is that egg nog?
Jacob Ryan: That's juts a bunch of sentimental bullshit.
Carolyn Ryan: Wait, sentimental bullshit.
Jacob Ryan: Yeah everyone's parents say that.
Carolyn Ryan: Oh really, and do everyone's parent destroy evidence and lie... to the police?
Agnes von Kurowsky: You know what I've been told? Italian men respect their wives. They spoil their mistresses. But the only women they love are their mothers.