Eddie Kasalivich: Doctor Sinclair and I ride together.

Roger: Do you want another cup of marriage, uh, tea?

Teacher: All you need to say is two words... two specific words, though. What they are? 'Not. Guilty.'.

Garrett Lawton: I make it a point to know a little bit about everything.

Jimmy Flaherty: Prison won't be so bad. I can became a born-again Christian. And that'll be good. Because nobody wants a born-again Christian as their bitch.

Allan Hopper: How can you take this loser's word? You can't believe him.
Teddy Peppers: I'll take his word over yours. It's been my experience, more often than not, that a loser has more honor than a winner.

David Alden: You must be Amy. I gave you Silly Putty once for Christmas. You ate it.

Dr. Alan Feinstone: I am an instrument of perfection and hygiene, the enemy of decay and corruption. A dentist. And I have a lot of work to do.

Mike Brady: A gift is only a good thing when the giver has given thought to that gift. When the gift the giver gives gives grief, then that gift should give the givee regrets.