Mayor John Pappas: Lyndon Johnson said, "Everybody will give you ideas on how to get out of trouble cheaply and fast. And they all come down to this: deny your responsibility." John F. Kennedy said, "An error doesn't have to become a mistake, until you refuse to correct it."
Kevin Calhoun: The only thing new about this world is the history we don't know.
Frank Anselmo: Your boy embarrassed me.
Mayor John Pappas: You're gonna have to live with it.
Frank Anselmo: Why?
Mayor John Pappas: Because he's my boy.
Mayor John Pappas: You got the stuff, pappy. I love that.
Mayor John Pappas: You want an answer? Okay, pappy, think of it as colors. There's black, and there's white, and in between is mostly gray. That's us. Now gray is a tough color, because it's not as simple as black and white - and for the media, certainly not as interesting. But... it's what we are.