Mickey Fitzpatrick: Why are you getting so upset Dad? You don't even believe in God.
Mr. Fitzpatrick: That doesn't mean I'm going to stop being a good Catholic.
Zeke: Step outside.
Rafe Guttman: Sorry, Zeke - I'm just not in the mood for a blowjob.
Emma Woodhouse: Was he handsome?
Jane Fairfax: Many say he is.
Emma Woodhouse: Was he agreeable?
Jane Fairfax: He was in no way disagreeable.
Emma Woodhouse: Was he a man of information?
Jane Fairfax: All his statements seem correct.
Dr. Nichols: Hey Anthony, don't try to save everybody, okay?
John Henderson: We're in the 90s, mother. It's fancy jam time.
Richard Clark: Victoria, could you give me a ride home? I seem to have misplaced my car.
Victoria Chapell: Oh, don't worry about it. All the teachers loose their car on their first day.
Julia Biggs: Your mother would always tell me, "Girl, you need to get some meat on those bones. Henry ain't got nothing to grab on to back there!"
Rev. Henry Biggs: She just wanted you to eat, that's all.
Julia Biggs: No, she probably wanted me to be as fat as her.
Rev. Henry Biggs: She wasn't that fat.
Julia Biggs: Please, if a policeman saw your mama come walking down the street, he'd yell, "break it up!"
Garrett Lawton: I make it a point to know a little bit about everything.
Andy: Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, hey ladies?
Vera: Aye, but we can do without the drugs and rock 'n' roll.