Doug Ireland: Nothing's impossible Albert. Impossible just takes a couple extra phone calls.

Michael Chapman: I turned Angela from a pickpocket into a star into a shoplifter.

Richard Miller: Is there a wrong way to fall down a fucking mountain?

Sister Mary Robert: The only thing the chef knows how to cook is German sausage.
Sister Mary Lazarus: Day after day, liverwurst, bratwurst, beerwurst.
Sister Mary Patrick: It's the "worst."

Caine: For all the bullshit they try to teach you in high school, I graduated with about half of it. But then, I didn't go to school but half the time. The other half, I was out selling dope. Growing up out here, there was shit that couldn't be learned in no classroom.

Cyclops: You starin' at my eye?
All: No.no...
Cyclops: A Union Army Soldier did this to me in the big one. Any you boys fight for the Union Army?
Miller: Shucks no.
Bell: Shucky dang darn...
Cyclops: So you the boys been killin' all my sheepies with them traps...
Noon: Naw... We just now gots here...
Cyclops: Where you from?
Humphrey: Nashville.
Cyclops: Well, heck, it's good to see some southern boys. It's been a while. [Singing.] Well I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten, look away, look away, look away... [waits for others to finish.]
Humphrey:... You stupid Yank.
Cyclops: You ain't southern boys!

Larry Lipton: Claustrophobia and a dead body - this is a neurotic's jackpot.

James Wright: How many Beatles are there?
Kyle Davidson: Three... and Ringo.

Jubei: Gemma! Did you miss the flames of hell? Is that why you came here?
Lord Himuro Gemma: So it's you, Jubei. I should've finished you off myself when I had the opportunity.
Jubei: I thought rats usually leave a sinking ship.
Lord Himuro Gemma: Heh! I suppose you want to avenge that ninja girl, Kagero. She's nothing compared to what I'm going to lose with this ship.
Jubei: Prepare to lose your life as well.

Eddie Papasano: Let me tell you people something, no matter what happens here today, if you try to close my joint, I 'll sue the ass off you.
Dr. Don Francis: Doesn't it bother you knowing that the people who have sex in your bath-house are playing Russian roulette?
Eddie Papasano: Please just cut out this bullshit. We're all in this for one thing: money. I make'em when the guys come in. You doctors, you make'em when they go out.