Best movie quotes of 1993

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Dazed and Confused picture

Ms. Stroud: Okay guys, one more thing, this summer when you're being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth of July brouhaha, don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes.


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The Remains of the Day picture

Stevens: In my philosophy, Mr. Benn, a man cannot call himself well-contented until he has done all he can to be of service to his employer. Of course, this assumes that one's employer is a superior person, not only in rank, or wealth, but in moral stature.

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Robocop 3 picture

Seitz: Sir, what about our friend Coontz?
Paul McDaggett: Well, if we'd let him live, we'd have to have paid him.

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The Vanishing picture

Barney Cousins: You don't care if she's alive or dead anymore.
Jeff Harriman: Yes I do.
Jeff Harriman: No you don't. You're just scared that without the search you won't know who you are. Who is Jeff Harriman, if he's not the guy looking for Diane? Can you really walk away from finally knowing the answer?

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Hot Shots Part Deux picture

Topper Harley: These men have taken a supreme vow of celibacy, like their fathers, and their fathers before them.

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The Snapper picture

Kay Curley: It's a terrible shock.
Dessie Curley: What is?
Kay Curley: Being married for 25 years, and finding out your husband's a prick.

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Coneheads picture

Athletic Cone: I have learned much from watching the Garthok battle. It has weaknesses. I believe I can take it.
Beldar Conehead: Uh-huh. And let me know when Elvis gets here.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III picture

Kenshin: We wait 400 years, and this Casey is still late.

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Angelfist picture

Victor Winslow: This is Manila. We do things differently here.

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A Home of Our Own picture

Narrator: When you're really really poor, everything you see is something you can't have.

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Rising Sun picture

Web Smith: Where are you from, "sempai"? Scotland Yard?
John Connor: Scotland Backyard.

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Stalingrad picture

Otto: You know we don't stand a chance. Why not surrender?
Capt. Hermann Musk: You know what would happen if we do.
Otto: Do we deserve any better?
Capt. Hermann Musk: Otto, I'm not a Nazi.
Otto: No, you're worse. Lousy officers. You went along with it all, even though you knew who was in charge. Hermann.

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Three Musketeers picture

Athos: Only a fool would try and arrest us twice in one day.
Guard: You're under arrest.
Porthos/Aramis: A fool.
Guard: Are you coming peacefully or do you intend to resist?
Porthos: Oh, don't be so stupid, of course we intend to resist. Just give us a moment.

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The Joy Luck Club picture

June (Age 9): You want me to be someone I'm not. I'll never be the kind of daughter that you want me to be.
Suyuan: Only two kinds of daughter: obedient or follow-own-mind. Only one kind of daughter could live in this house: obedient kind.
June (Age 9): Then I wish I wasn't your daughter. I wish you weren't my mom.
Suyuan: Too late to change this.

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Hard Target picture

Douvee: Ooh-wee! Ha ha! Sometimes I 'maze myself! Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.

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Body of Evidence picture

Rebecca Carlson: There's nothing wrong with admitting that you want me, Frank.

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Searching For Bobby Fischer picture

Bonnie: He's not afraid of losing. He's afraid of losing your love. How many ball players grow up afraid of losing their fathers' love every time they come up to the plate?
Fred: All of them.
Bonnie: He knows you disapprove of him. He knows you think he's weak. But he's not weak. He's decent. And if you or Bruce or anyone else tries to beat that out of him, I swear to God I'll take him away.

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Look Who's Talking Now picture

Mikey Ubriacco: I don't wanna brush my teeth. I brushed them last Saturday.
James: I know, but you're gonna have plants growing out of your mouth.

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The Program picture

Steve Lattimer: I don't know, its the battle, the going to war with the other guys, hanging together, having our own dorm, staying in hotels the night before the games, setting ourselves apart, being different than everybody else, having a chance to be somebody, to do something that people look up to you for, your strength, your courage, not everybody can play football... were the lucky ones.

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