Best movie quotes of 1992

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Mr. Saturday Night picture

Buddy Young, Jr.: I didn't take your life, Stan. I gave you one.
Stan: Yeah, but you coulda been nicer.

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Pet Sematary II picture

Gus Gilbert: Now I thought we were going to tone down on your flabby ass.
Drew Gilbert: Hey, I'm so sorry I'm not the stud you are.

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Critters 4 picture

Al Bert: Like my ex-wife. Anything I say, she does the opposite.

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Memoirs of an Invisible Man picture

Nick Halloway: Now you listen to me, you son of a bitch. I've lost everything but my soul, and you're not going to take that away from me.

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Poison Ivy picture

Sylvie Cooper: The fact that Fred hated ever human except me really meant something.

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More Medicine Man quotes
Indochine picture

Jean-Baptiste: At age ten one doesn't know the world needs to be changed.

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Of Mice and Men picture

George: Guys like us that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world. They ain't got no family and they don't belong no place. They got nothin' to look ahead to.
Lennie: But not us George. Tell about us.
George: ...well, we ain't like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody cares.
Lennie: But not us, George, because I... see, I got you to look after me, but you got me to look after you.

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Prelude to a Kiss picture

Peter Hoskins: What goes into one, Rita? A Long Island Iced Tea?
Rita Boyle: I'm sorry darling, I've forgotten.
Peter Hoskins: What, do you have it all written down behind the bar or something?
Rita Boyle: I'm on vacation.
Peter Hoskins: So you can't remember a drink recipe for something that I would like to order?
Rita Boyle: Peter, you're doing it again. You take a perfect situation and you pee all over it.

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Chaplin picture

Charlie Chaplin: Actress?

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Braindead picture

Pequita: Your mother ate my dog!
Lionel: Not all of it.

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More Freejack quotes
More Howards End quotes
Mikey picture

Mikey: You know, dead people aren't the ones to be scared of, living people are.

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Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice picture

Mrs. Burke: My husband walked into a corn field 15 years ago. He never came back.

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More Fifty/Fifty quotes
Thunderheart picture

Grandpa Sam Reaches: Come on up and watch TV.

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Ladybugs picture

Chester: We have a chance. Like a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.

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Rebecca's Daughters picture

Sarah Jane: Well, Mr. Anthony, I can tell you that no man has dressed up in my underclothes since the day my late husband died.

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