Bobby Ciaro: Someday, your gonna be president of the United States.
Jimmy Hoffa: Fuck that. Someday, I'm gonna be president of the Teamsters.

Olaf Andersen: Now the question is, can we get the shit back into the horse?

Doctor Evan Rendell: Check out time.

Daniel: Do you ever feel lost?
Claire Cooper: I invented it. It's mine.

Captain Frank Sedman: What about Huxley? What is that?
Peter Sanderson: He was referring to a quote by Thomas Huxley, "The chessboard is the world... the rules of the game are what we call nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us but we know that his play is always fair, just, and patient. We also know that he never overlooks a mistake.

Older Mike: History is all in the mind of the teller. Truth is all in the telling.

Sidney Deane: Can anybody step in for this guy? Anybody? For Mr. Motherfucking March of Dimes?

Norman Maclean: I'm in deep trouble.
Paul Maclean: Yep. Want me to come over and protect you?

Columbus: Why do you want to help me?
Santangel: Faith, hope, charity. But greater than all these is banking.

Paul Cater: I didn't GET this car, I stole it. That's a felony.
Lurene Hallett: Well it shouldn't be if it can't go over forty.

Jobe Smith: This technology has peeled back a layer to reveal another universe. Virtual reality will grow, just as the telegraph grew to the telephone - as the radio to the TV - it will be everywhere.
Dr. Lawrence Angelo: You're having delusions, Jobe. Struggle for reason.

Helen Knable: Dynamite. He's going to hit me with a train and blow me up? ROY.