Charlie Chaplin: Syd, I love this country. I owe it everything. That's why I can make fun of it.
Paulette: You know what?
Charlie Chaplin: Hum?
Paulette: I've always had that gift.
Paulette: After a man makes love to me, he just goes wild from happiness.
Charlie Chaplin: I am happy.
Paulette: Then tell me when you get sad, because I don't want to be around.
George Hayden: My Charlie, you weren't even thirty. You was the most famous man in the world, with your own studio, named after you. Couldn't you just enjoy it?
Charlie Chaplin: I can now, but couldn't then. It meant too much.
Charlie Chaplin: If you want to understand me, watch my movies.
Charlie Chaplin: Actress?
Charlie Chaplin: The tramp can't talk. The minute he talks, he's dead.
Paulette: Did you lose your other wives this way?
Charlie Chaplin: I think so. But you'd have to ask them.