Grandpa Sam Reaches: Knock it off! Knock it off! You remind me of a couple of old women.
Ray Levoi: He speaks English?
Walter Crow Horse: Yeah, only when he's really pissed off.
Ray Levoi: This land is not for sale.
Frank Coutelle: I know more about the law and the history out here than the people themselves. Let me tell you, I feel for them. They're a proud people. But they're also a conquered people. That means their future is dictated by the nation that conquered them. Rightly or wrongly, that's the way it works, down through history.
Grandpa Sam Reaches: Come on up and watch TV.
Grandpa Sam Reaches: They broke my TV.
Walter Crow Horse: Raymond Levoi-Little Wiener, Federal Bureau of Interpretation. You snuck up on me like a real city Indian.
Richard Yellow Hawk: Well, well, well, the Washington Redskin.
Jimmy Looks Twice: Sometimes they have to kill us. They have to kill us, because they can't break our spirit.