Corrected entry: In the flashback of Daniel covering for his friend's art supplies, the teacher asks the class how much the supplies are. When he asks the class how much the paints are, most of the class says, "$3" but you can clearly make out some kids saying, "3.50." The error repeats itself when the teacher asks how much are the supplies in total, and the class says, "$13," but some kids say, "13.50."

Corrected entry: In the scene where Hudson Hawk is casing out the Museum to steal the book he is writing notes down with his left hand, but in the next shot you see Hawk's reflection in the mirror writing with his right.
Correction: As you said, it is a reflection. So, everything is correct here. Just stand sideways in front of a mirror and write something with your left hand, same effect.

Corrected entry: When Juliette Lewis goes to her room while her parents have a fight, she turns on the TV. There is the videoclip of "Jane's Addiction - Being caught stealing", but the music that is playing is from "Guns n' Roses - Patience"
Correction: While it's true that Juliette Lewis is watching a clip of "Been Caught Stealing," the music she is listening to isn't actually coming form the television. "Patience" is being played on a radio elsewhere as she is trying to drown out the sound of her parents fighting with as much noise as possible. It is logical that she would turn on both her television and radio in order to do this, the stereo being louder than the television.

Corrected entry: Just before Frank bursts through the door that hits Barbara Bush, you can see the special doorstop mounted on the floor to protect the actress from being bopped in the nose.
Correction: Many doors have such rubber doorstops to prevent them hitting the wall or breaking their own hinges by opening too wide, particularly heavily used doors like one in a public room like this.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Lou and Dr. Stone are in the woods and she begins urinating on the ground to scare away the deer, she pulls her jeans down but does not pull down her underwear. Can't be some careful rearranging - Lou's hands are in plain view the whole time on the waistband of her pants.
Correction: It's simpler than "careful rearrangement". Watch the scene carefully - Lou isn't wearing any underwear to begin with.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, the about-to-be King Cedric is being fitted for a naval uniform. One big problem: the jacket is far too big. The collar should fit snugly around the neck. No royal tailor would be that sloppy with their work.
Correction: As you said, he's being FITTED for the uniform. They haven't finished yet.

Corrected entry: After Bentley's execution, the camera zooms in on the Bentley family home from a bird's-eye perspective. The film is set in 1953, but there are cars parked in the courtyards behind the houses that date from the 1980s.
Correction: Copied from IMDb.

Corrected entry: Henry brought home a puppy, but shouldn't have known to. He was not around when Rachel asked to get one.
Correction: Henry had returned home to live at this point so Rachel may have told him she wanted a puppy. In any case, when Henry bought the puppy there was no indication that he bought it for any other reason than he just wanted to.

Corrected entry: Kathy (Ice's girlfriend) has a fishbowl in her bedroom that is extremely overcrowded with fish. Only problem is that the fish are "salt water" fish and would die instantly in a glass bowl.
Correction: Huh? Salt water fish survive very nicely in a glass tank, why not a glass bowl? It is the salinity of the water that makes the difference, not the shape of the container. And it is not possible for the audience to verify whether the bowl contains salt water or fresh water.

Corrected entry: During the course of the movie Natalie's eyes change colour from being darkish green or hazel in most scenes, including outdoors daytime, to being extremely blue.
Correction: It is natural for 'green' eyes to appear different shades depending upon the lighting and color of a person's clothing. There are also some people whose eye color changes based upon their emotional state.

Corrected entry: Bugsy hatches a plot to kill Mussolini, saying Jews are being killed in Europe, and he wants to help stop it. Although Mussolini was Hitler's ally and an evil man himself, he repeatedly refused Hitler's requests to deport Jews living in Italy. It was only after Mussolini was deposed that Italian Jews were deported.
Correction: In fact the scene is historically accurate. Seigel really did plan to have Mussolini assassinated by Mafia contacts in Sicily. Mussolini had been demonised by the Press and as far as most Americans were concerned he was just as bad as Hitler.

Corrected entry: When Fred's imaginary friend's face is about to blow up, look at him closely and you will see that it is not the guy's face, it's made of Plasticine.
Correction: Obviously they use special effects, they are not going to actually blow up someone's head. If you have to look closely to see an effect it probably worked pretty well. If it's not blatantly fake looking with casual viewing, it can hardly be a mistake.

Corrected entry: At the end we find out that Emma Thompson was in fact the Kenneth Branagh character in the past, but under hypnosis she relives a conversation between Emma Thompson and Andy Garcia (next to the swimming pool)....how can she have known about this conversation if she was really the Branagh character in the past and wasn't there during the conversation?
Correction: She knew about the conversation, because the hypnosis guy told her to be like an observer, she didn't know who she was at that point. So she was simply observing the conversation.

Corrected entry: When Fred is going to the campus to ask Eddie to play pool with him, he has a stick in his schoolbag. When he walks out of the building, the stick is gone.
Correction: It's a pool cue and it's in his bag when he is outside the building but as they show him walking away it isn't. He could have tossed it after finishing speaking to Eddie because he was upset about not going to play pool. There are a few secconds that we don't see of him walking away from the building.

Corrected entry: During one scene, before the main character is to go to the film festival, her mother tells her not to go. As she says this, a crewman can be seen walking across the porch in the background.
Correction: No, this is the reflection of the main character in the porch door, as she walks across the room.

Corrected entry: When Major Krause and his men storm Toulon's hideout in the bombed ruins, some of the soldiers carry Karabiner 98k bolt action rifles. But as one of them shoots at Toulon and Dr. Hess, he fires the shots in too rapid a succession for a bolt action. The Germans did have semi-automatic rifles in 1941 - the Gewehr 41 Walther and Mauser rifles -, but these were both quite bulky and recognizable, and all of these were reserved for action at the Eastern front.
Correction: The German soldiers do carry semi-automatic rifles, namely the Gewehr 41 Walther.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Sally Field is walking along the outside ledge of Kevin Kline's apartment, she starts off with the turban on her head. The next shot is of Kline in his apartment and then cuts back to Field without the turban on her head.
Correction: She unravels the turban to tie to the fire escape so she can walk along the ledge. If she were to fall, the turban would catch her.

Corrected entry: At the bar shootout, hundreds of rounds are fired. The police would have arrived eventually, either by someone reporting gunfire, or a random patron eventually visiting and noticing the death everywhere. The motorcycles parked in the nearby ally would have been seized and stored as evidence. Yet at the end of the move, Harley shows up, somehow reacquiring his motorcycle. Even if he would have went to the police to get his bike, since his prints were all over the bar, he would have been there for days trying to explain his role in the shootout. Not to mention questioned about the death of the airport employee next door.
Correction: Why would the police seize the bikes in the alley when they may have nothing to do with who did the shootout? Their presence is circumstantial at best. Getting fingerprints from a public place like a bar, where thee are likely millions of fingerprints would not be productive, and police probably wouldn't attempt to get fingerprints.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the other dancers are making fun of Oliver and he's freaked out, you see Madonna getting her hair done and talking to Oliver about it. In the next scene, Madonna's hair obviously hasn't been styled yet and she says to the offending dancers 'Oliver's gone. I haven't seen him, I haven't spoken to him.' When you can't get chronology right in a documentary, that is pretty sad, IMO.
Correction: The theme of this scene is to show how much tention there is between the dancers. By showing the problem first (ie talking to Oliver), the audience understands why he is gone. Otherwise, he would just be gone and we wouldn't know why. Therefore they changed the cronology.

Corrected entry: When Dr. Marvin is frantic to drive Bob home the night before the TV interview, his daughter Anna reminds him that they left the car in town. Later, when Bob and Siggi are making too much noise, Dr. Marvin storms in the room and yells "Anna, get the car!" (Nothing is said to correct him, and Bob stays the night.) The next morning, after the TV interview is complete and the camera crews are pulling away from the house, the family car is briefly seen in the left side of the frame.
Correction: Leo yelled at Anna to get the car when he was trying to wake Bob up, not when him and Siggy were yelling. And when he yelled at Anna to get the car he was telling her to go the Marina to get it and that is why it was at the house when the Camera Crew showed up.
Correction: This isn't a mistake. This is a clear case of kids not exactly knowing the costs.
Ian Hunt