Stupidity: When they are conferring before surgery everyone is keeping scrub except for Avery who has his arms crossed. Shortly afterwards you can see him look around at all his co-stars, realise he screwed up and try to casually raise his arms. (00:15:00)

Stupidity: Dr. Greg seems to catch some of the more obvious quirks of inmates attempting to take a large vial or bottle from the cabinet. Yet he doesn't seem to notice when Lizzie grabs a bottle of pills and pockets them from the rolling cart in front of him. (00:20:15 - 00:20:45)

Girl Trouble / School Dance - S3-E18
Stupidity: Girl Trouble: Helga pulls a nasty prank on Arnold in class by gluing feathers to his bottom. Mr. Simmons sees this, but for whatever reason, does not give Helga detention for it. The next day, Helga spills paint on Arnold, then he throws some on her as revenge. Mr. Simmons sees this and gives Arnold detention even though he was simply fighting back at Helga for pushing him too far. Perhaps Mr. Simmons' brain was on vacation those two days. (00:03:16 - 00:08:42)

Stupidity: Throughout this entire show, there is almost ZERO explanation of how, in such a small town, murder, assault, battery are committed by the club with no mention of HOW they're able to do so. This is with DNA, a barrage of ATF agents (in the beginning), and let's assume a forensics lab in the entire state. Has anyone seen forensic files? I mean come on, in the 80s in cities 100+ larger they were able to solve crimes.

Stupidity: The inspector knows that his house has been bugged; he does not know how many bugs and cameras are there, he just knows there are some. He does find a bunch of them with great ease when he gets back home - making you wonder how could he have ignored them to begin with, since all it takes is for him to raise his eyes, they are fairly big black cameras who do not camouflage at all for the most part. He then proceeds to make a phone call to the big baddie from his landline. Nobody in their right mind would do such a thing. Heck, you wouldn't want to use your home phone for such a call even if you didn't know that someone just put bugs all over your house.

The Night of the Firebrand - S3-E2
Stupidity: West is introduced to, then knocked unconscious by Vixen as she hides a club behind her back. A trained Secret Service agent like West would not have let his guard down in this situation, as the entire fort was awash in bad guys.

Living Hell - S1-E8
Stupidity: When the villain reveals to the doctor that he plans to transplant her brain into his own head, the doctor tells him it isn't possible because the brain can't survive outside the head. Forgetting to mention the fact that he will die the instant he takes his own brain out, making it rather difficult to complete the procedure, that is, if he didn't pass out from the pain of opening up his own skull first.

The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower - S1-E3
Stupidity: Superman finally smashes the weirdly strong bad guy through a wall, then goes to Lois, says "he's gone", and whisks Sarah to hospital. But he has no idea if the bad guy is "gone" or not - they've just had an epic fight, he has some sort of super strength / resilience, and for all Superman knows he'll come around in 10 seconds and finish the job of murdering Lois.
Suggested correction: Superman knows the 'strong bad guy' is close to his own strength. After fighting him, he knows what effect the crash through the wall would have had on him, if he was knocked out, and how long he would be out for. So he knew there was little risk of the guy coming around in 10 seconds. Alternatively, he X-ray scanned the area and saw the guy was no longer there.

The Robinsons Were Here - S1-E4
Stupidity: Satellite dish falls, trapping people inside, and they can't even figure out a basic thing like digging a hole to escape. (00:43:52)
Suggested correction: I didn't see anything they could use to dig their way out. Plus Don was on the other side, so they knew they could just wait.

Who, What, Where, Wendigo? - S2-E10
Stupidity: Dwight, Audrey, and Nathan all know Dwight's trouble is that all bullets are attracted to him, so why is he with them when they go looking for the killer, knowing every one is using a gun?

Is Lupin Burning... ?! - S1-E1
Stupidity: Despite the fact that there are 100 (literally) cameras around the racing circuit and (again literally) everyone from the staff to the fellow racers works for the Scorpion gang, Jigen and Lupin's switch can happen without anyone noticing, even if it involved racing side by side for a lengthy period of time.

Stupidity: During the scene at the restaurant, Rose pulls the fire alarm. Then she and the doctor run through the kitchen, past several chefs who just duck and crouch into corners. This would easily be one of the stupidest ideas ever. If there was a fire, they would evacuate out the back door instead of just sitting there waiting to be choked to death. And if they knew about Auton Mickey, running out the back door would also be a lot more logical than just crouching down and waiting to be battered to death.

Stupidity: An RAF officer is wearing a gold stripe on his shoulder boards instead of blue. On his lapels, he wore a corporal's insignia, and on his left pocket was an American colonel 's eagle. A soldier described as British was wearing American platoon sergeant stripes.

Stupidity: The Tomorrow People tend to enjoy walking into and walking out of most scenes rather than teleporting. In particular, when fighting and needing to run away, they'll teleport to get a better fighting vantage instead of teleporting out of the situation.

Stupidity: Harold isn't sure whether to trust the flash drive Claire gives him, worrying connecting it to his laptop will send Samaritan all his personal connections. Somehow it doesn't occur to him to just use a completely disconnected / airgapped laptop, in a Faraday cage or similar like the one he kept Root in. If the flash drive had malicious code on it, nothing could be transmitted anyway.

Young Kidaichi's Murder: File 2 - S2-E2
Stupidity: When Akechi tells his men to look for Kindaichi in all the possible places where a person might hide, Kindaichi with his bright yellow shirt is behind a metal staircase 2 meters away from him - a metal staircase with gaps between the steps, and some of the policemen are facing him. (00:20:15)