Say Again Your Last - S2-E5

Stupidity: Adam, Jason's replacement on Bravo team is operating as Bravo 1. He's in the midst of reloading his carbine rifle with a fresh magazine when he sees a suicide bomber running towards his team so instead of drawing his pistol which takes 0.7-0.8 seconds; he's a trained professional so that timing is reasonable; he instead charges the suicide bomber and dies in the explosion. It would've taken less time to shoot the threat than to charge him. (00:07:00 - 00:08:00)

Head On - S5-E10

Stupidity: Even though the baby is an infant, Sonny placed child locks on the kitchen drawers and cabinets that are above the counter height. (00:26:40)


Horror Has a Face - S4-E6

Stupidity: Sonny the MK46 gunner is always "winchester" out of ammo. Yes he's the machine-gunner they go through more ammo, but the SAW gunner is supposed to carry at least 600 rounds on his body/backpack, plus 100 or 200 round nutsacks in the weapon so total 800 rounds for the SAW gunner. He always chooses the 100 round nutsacks which I think is fatal. Also the SAW gunner's teammates carry a nut sack or two of ammo for him. Sonny only packs two belts I think plus he's never reloading. (00:30:40)

Fog of War - S3-E13

Stupidity: The team is trying to figure out how Dr. Craig died during the rescue attempt. They don't know if it was a suicide vest since in another part of the structure Clay neutralized an enemy combatant wearing one. They need to figure this out before they land to satisfy command. They recovered his body, they have highly trained medics borderline trauma doctors on the airplane, could they not examine the doctors body to see if he has shrapnel, burns, bullet wounds for clues? (00:14:51 - 00:16:30)

Siege Protocol: Part 2 - S3-E12

Stupidity: This team never packs enough ammo. The two little skirmishes they were in maybe consumed 120 rounds each x8 guys makes 1060 and that's pushing it. A soldier's combat load is 7 magazines, 210 rounds each for their primary weapon system. These dudes should have at least 3 mags each left, and Seals being Seals fighting far from the main force always pack more ammo, at least 390 rounds. There's a Seal training video where Seals are doing a centre peel drill and it says they pack 4000 rounds for 8 men. (00:49:15)

Siege Protocol: Part 1 - S3-E11

Stupidity: The team is going on a CQB raid to free some hostages; so close quarters battle, room clearing, a very high chance of getting shot since the enemy can hide anywhere. They are not wearing plate carriers and their armor. This is the very mission that military doctrine emphasizes armor. It's not a long range patrol through mountains where weight matters. However on a previous mission to locate a downed pilot in open terrain they were wearing plate carriers. (00:27:12 - 00:28:00)

My Life for Yours - S2-E21

Stupidity: Earlier in the episode Ray was the only one with a helmet on, he was however separated from the team. The rest of Bravo didn't don any helmets. They later appear over a ridge and extract Ray from an oncoming assault of enemy combatants, and they're all donning helmets. A helmet is meant to be worn because enemy contact can happen at any time. They were donning plate carriers weighing 25 lbs without any of the gear on it, a 2.6 lb helmet is nothing, makes no sense. (00:40:00 - 00:42:00)

My Life for Yours - S2-E21

Stupidity: Ray is solo fighting the enemy. He lowers his rifle and grabs his sidearm and says last mag. He hadn't been in a prolonged gun fight. He used up his 3 mags on his plate carrier and one in his rifle. A soldiers typical combat load is seven mags, 210 rounds, but that's when re-supply is possible. For long range recons where they are operating far from the main force a Seal will typically pack 12 plus mags like the guys from Operation Red Wings since re-supply is not possible. This is just dumb. (00:38:40)

Payback - S2-E18

Stupidity: The Seal team is sent to apprehend an HVT. Their insertion didn't require a long hike. Usually on long range recons where Seals walk 20+ kms and don't fix to get into a gun fight they don't wear plate carriers with ballistic plates due to the weight and extra body heat generated. However on this op their journey was short, and they knew they were going to get contact inside a structure where getting shot is more likely since it's close quarters battle, but they didn't wear plate carriers. (00:24:30 - 00:26:00)

Never Say Die - S2-E2

Factual error: Jason's wife Alana tells Jason she going to grab H.E.B.'s finest bottle of $12 red, a rotisserie chicken and beer. H.E.B is a Texas grocery store, and the show is set in Virginia Beach, VA, Virginia doesn't have H.E.B. Stores. (00:39:03)


More mistakes in SEAL Team

Season 2 generally

Question: This season has added the odd effect of a large puff of red smoke/dust whenever someone is shot. It is unrealistic and distracting. Wondering if anyone knows the reason for this change.

Answer: Depending on caliber the body does spray blood from .308 and up.

Answer: Only because it looks cool on screen.

More questions & answers from SEAL Team

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