Stupidity: Some ancient advanced civilization took to the task of building this amazing net of stargates that enables instantaneous traveling over hundreds of light years or more, but any stargate can be disabled by anybody just by covering it with dirt or rocks. Apparently if the stargate is buried then it becomes inactive. See Season 1 EP.1.
Suggested correction: This is just you having a different opinion on how the Stargates should work. In fact, the ability to make a Stargate inactive by burying it is a brilliant move by the Ancients. Burying the gate, or even creating a barrier, prevents enemies (like the Goa'uld) from having a convenient way of invading a planet. Although some races, like The Nox, show the ability to activate a Stargate without having to form an unstable vortex.

Zorro's Ride Into Terror - S1-E8
Stupidity: When Diego sees that the passage door is opened, he invites Sergeant Garcia to sleep in his bed. However, Diego never tries to close it, and during the rest of the scene, nobody (even Captain Monasterio) seems to see it open.

Cellar Boy - S1-E21
Stupidity: Jamie is driving his Chevelle SS when he realises that he has no brakes. He's driving on a flat road. The car is an automatic transmission, and he doesn't shift the car out of Drive and into Neutral to stop the power and forward movement of the car. Instead, he shifts the car into Low before crashing the car into a Jersey barrier. (00:48:27 - 00:48:57)

The Woman Who Never Died - S1-E3
Stupidity: The detective Magnum is with does not call reinforcements because they "might spook" the criminal, but he arrives on the scene making a lot of noise and with the emergency lights on. Even if the reinforcements arrived in police cars, they could have easily kept out of sight of the house and lurk around the block.

Stupidity: At the start of the episode, the Brunnen-G planet is about to be under attack by His Shadow in a big ship that is capable of destroying the surface of the planet and everybody on it in under a minute with its fire power. It seems the Brunnen-G had time to respond, seeing as they send a counter measure against His Shadow... Except that they only send a single squadron of 6 fighters. Their planet is about to be obliterated by His Shadow's killer ship, and they only send up 6 fighters. And of course, they fail and all die except for Kai. (00:01:45)

Stupidity: While discussing his arrest with Emily, Seth mentions that he didn't tell the arresting officer that he works for Kirkman. As the White House's liaison to the media, Seth has a high degree of visibility; it would extremely difficult, if not downright impossible, to keep his place of employment concealed from the police for very long in the time between his booking and arraignment and when Kendra bails him out the following day.

Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt - S3-E8
Stupidity: SPOILERS AHEAD: It has been a good minute between Hopper killing Grigory and Joyce turning the key. He could have used that time to run as quickly as he can towards her, instead of staring at her for 30 seconds. Also, Dustin didn't have to yell (through the radio) so panicky yet about closing the gate. While Mind Flayer was killing Billy, El and other kids could have used the time to run further again and get another 2-3 minutes, in that time Hopper would surely come to a safe place.

Stupidity: Hungarian Police Lieutenant Benedeke Erdös has broken right arm in a cast. Although his arm is in a cast, he is still in uniform and carrying his firearm in a holster on his right side. There's no way he can draw the weapon or secure it. (00:20:45 - 00:21:19)

Stupidity: S1E8 Obsessed - Morgan and the detectives respond to the beach for a possible homicide. None of the detectives or Morgan are wearing protective gloves. Throughout the series, the detectives remind Morgan to wear gloves before touching evidence. However, she takes the pulse of the victim without gloves. (00:04:02)

Stupidity: Characters repeatedly make note of how hard to kill the Wraith are, but sometimes, especially in the final episode(s) of season 1, they go down easily in a few bullets each, and then don't even regenerate as the characters turn their attentions elsewhere.

First Kiss - S1-E2
Stupidity: When Jeff Malone leaves the sandwich shop, he leaves the sandwich on the table. It would have been very easy for them to tell what was on the sandwich without needing to wait for Max to get home to recreate it. (00:02:41)

Stupidity: An explanation is given for the reason why the bombs planted on the Gundam are not activated by remote control (they have plastic explosive in the regiment but not remote controls!), but no reason why they set the timer for the explosion to 30 minutes, way too much to be of any use in combat against the Gundam. Moreover, if the vulnerable spot of the Gundam shield were situated where it explodes at the beginning, it'd be completely useless.

It's Only Rock and Roll - S3-E11
Stupidity: When the gangsters show up at the house Pam and Dak Hampton are hiding in, Pam is captured. Dak then attempts to flee by running out the front door. What a dumb move. No surprise that he got captured as well.

Camp Redwood - S9-E1
Stupidity: Brooke leaves her apartment window open as she sleeps, even after telling her friends that serial killers (like The Night Stalker) strike during the summer when everybody leaves their windows open.

A Rough Whimper of Insanity - S1-E7
Stupidity: The hacker's VR goggles are not plugged in to anything (despite having a wire for this purpose) when he and Tom sit down at the computer in the teacher's house.

Stupidity: When Kunte/Toby saws himself free from his leg irons, he removes only the one, and then runs off into the night, dragging the other one behind him, which makes no sense, and is quite audibly heard in the near distance.