Stupidity: Whilst Reva is running across the rooftops, there is a moment where she does a backflip in order to propel her forwards towards the next rooftop. If she was attempting to jump between roofs, then doing a backflip would not have been useful as it would only slow down her momentum instead of build it. (00:25:28)

Stupidity: When the bad guys are discussing the plans inside a private jet, the scene finishes and there's a shot of the plane in the sky. The plane immediately veers to the right, and spins almost 90°, as fighter jets do when they turn quickly. If there were three people inside, (one of whom was in the bathroom) they would have been thrown about the cabin quite violently. (00:11:25)

Stupidity: Donna runs in to save everyone from the collapsing pylon, dying in the process, despite the fact that Superboy or Raven, both more powerful/resilient, could have stopped it falling without any issues whatsoever. Not even like anyone was distracted - the fight was over, they were all just standing around.

Stupidity: The super powerful Romulan commandos (no doubt with the help from the higher-ups infiltrated in the Federation) managed to touch up the footage of the fight in the roof so to remove every trace of the Romulan agents present. But Picard has been running, dodging blasts, ducking, and is knocked back by a huge explosion caught on camera and not deleted; we see it in this episode and it is unequivocally not caused by him. What is the point of going through subtly deleting every trace of the aggressors when it is transparent that something real happened and it's not all Picard's imagination? And the police simply take Picard back home from San Francisco to France without questioning him, not caring about investigating the explosion in the heart of the city involving a famous Admiral battling invisible enemies. If the conspiracy can erase anyone from the tape, why not erase Picard too, or the explosion and explain how he ended up K.O.'d differently?

Stupidity: The Evans family are living in the projects of South Chicago in the '70s, but their front door is always unlocked.

Turkey Guys - S13-E5
Stupidity: The whole episode revolves on the turkey that Peter ate. Lois sends him and Brian out to get another one. She stalls dinner the whole episode waiting for them to get back. Problem is the turkey is frozen! It will take at least 6 or 7 hours to cook and Lois acts like as soon as they return with it, it won't take long to to cook, so the stalling makes no sense. (00:12:45)

Slave Island - S1-E7
Stupidity: At the beginning of the episode, Pyro is among the Genoshan prisoners, and he is wearing his flamethrower device. While his inhibitor collar will suppress his mutant power of pyrokinesis, he can still use the flamethrower itself as a weapon. This would be akin to a prison allowing an inmate to walk around with a loaded gun. (00:02:12)

Stupidity: After Dexter tells Hannah that the U.S. Marshals have distributed her picture everywhere, she questions how she will be able to flee Miami for Argentina. Dexter reasons he and Harrison can leave with her because the authorities won't be looking for a woman traveling with her "husband and child." It doesn't matter who she is or isn't traveling with. If the authorities have shared her picture, she's going to be flagged when she goes through security at the airport, which Dexter should certainly know. This is made all the more egregious when she takes Harrison to the hospital later in the episode and is ID'd by the receptionist.

What If... The Watcher Broke His Oath? - S1-E9
Stupidity: Ultron says he can destroy galaxies with a thought. So regardless of Dr. Strange's protection spells, he could destroy the planet they're all standing on, or evaporate the atmosphere, leaving them all suffocating in space, and just step away from the fight entirely while they die.

I'd Rather Twitch Than Fight - S3-E10
Stupidity: Like most dilemmas on the show, the controversy could have been resolved by witchcraft without Darrin knowing. Why didn't Samantha just twitch a duplicate tweed coat?

Stupidity: On 8/12/04, Hope specifically told everyone that when the coin was thrown into the force field, there would be a bright flash and that they shouldn't look at the forcefield when this was done. But all three times that the coin was thrown at the force field that day and the next, everyone looked right at it the whole time, and then recoiled in pain at the flash that inevitably occurred.

Recognition - S1-E17
Stupidity: After fighting Wootox in Sky's body, why didn't Cruger contact the other Rangers and inform them about the body switch? This would have spared everyone a lot of trouble.

Until Sunset, the Full Moon - S1-E7
Stupidity: This is not quite 'stupidity' but rather a "movie logic", supposedly sharp deduction that is really just a wild and nonsensical guess. Zenigata knows for a fact that Fujiko is impersonating Elena because she knew right away where to get the first aid kit, while Elena hasn't been in the mountain house since her husband's death. That makes no sense; Zenigata has to assume that Elena was completely straight about that fact (if it was the treasure's hiding place as he suspected, she easily could lie), and a person can easily remember where they store their security items even after years, for a variety of reasons.

Stupidity: The Chief Baker on the Titanic is fast asleep in his bunk when the ship hits an iceberg. It is said that he survived because he drank heavily prior to his going into the water. He had at least a full tumbler of alcohol. He is shown drinking it in two scenes. He is shown dressed in full white chef gear and even wearing a white chef kerchief. It seems stupid that he would wear such a thing if he had just been startled awake.

Stupidity: Eve, the assassin trying to kill the Senator, tells Cole to move or she'll shoot through him, rather than just shooting him. She already killed an agent by shooting him in the back and had plenty of time to just shoot Cole, so there's no reason for her to avoid killing him.

In a Mirror, Darkly (2) - S4-E19
Stupidity: When the Gorn attacks Archer, one of the MACO officers raises his weapon to fire, but fears hitting Archer, so he doesn't shoot. But then he attacks the Gorn with the butt of his weapon. He was close enough to hit him, he could have just stood over him and fired without fear of hitting Archer.