Factual error: Calleigh Duquesne frequently wears completely inappropriate clothing throughout the whole series. She often wears blouses that are so low cut that the neckline is below the lower curve of her breasts. No officer of the court in the US would be allowed to dress this way. There is no grey area here, and this is not a character mistake - first time a CSI turned up at work dressed like that, she'd be sent home to change. Second time, she'd be on suspension until she agreed to change her dress standards. Also (and this regularly happens in CSI: NY as well) she is regularly wearing high heels - also a certain no-no for as CSI. Incidentally, male CSIs have equally strict dress standards.
Going Under - S5-E2
Continuity mistake: In the first part of the flashback to the deliberate collision with Calleigh's Hummer, no piece of the pick-up grill stuck to the Hummer's rear end. But seconds later it appears.
Going Under - S5-E2
Continuity mistake: After Calleigh's Hummer is hit from the rear, it is shown going into the water with no visible damage to the front of the vehicle. After the first commercial break it is being pulled from the water with a dented and buckled hood.
Continuity mistake: In Episode 6-1 "Dangerous Son" - In the beginning when the suspect is running from the house he has his hood on, when he jumps off the roof and falls on the canopy he has no hood on, then when he gets up his hood is back on.
Revealing mistake: While Horatio and Alexx are examining the prostitute's body, you can see the corpse breath in a side view.
Revealing mistake: The compound Heptan-2-one is mentioned several times in this episode. The actress concerned persists in pronouncing the last syllable 'one' as in the number 1, whereas its correct scientific pronounciation should be as in the word 'bone' ie. sounds like 'own'. Nitpicking certainly, but a dead giveaway to any viewer with a basic knowledge of chemistry.
Continuity mistake: When Horatio and Delko are on the dock talking to the blond about "Diablo" on the close up shots you can see that there is a large yacht parked at the dock she is sitting on. When the camera switches to the shots from behind looking over the pool with her at the far end, the yacht is gone.
Factual error: Iodine-131 does not decay to normal Iodine. It decays to a stable isotope of the noble gas Xenon.
Other mistake: During the scene (towards the end of the episode) when Horatio's young wife Marisol dies, there are two worthy mentions. First is when we see Horatio walk into Marisol's room, there is a doctor present but the two do not speak. Horatio speaks to Marisol at the side of her bed and they joke about their supposed date later that night, and her speech seems fine. A few seconds later while holding her hand, we hear the "flat line" and Marisol passes away. About two seconds after we hear the flat line, the camera angle shows Marisol still turned toward Horatio, her chest still moving to breathe. A split second after that though, the camera angle now shows Marisol face up in the bed, presumably dead. Second issue and perhaps most importantly - Marisol was young, and a gunshot victim who had been in stable condition just the day before. Even if her condition had turned more critical, it seems almost impossible that as soon as she flat lined, there still would not have been immediate resuscitation attempts or calls for a resuscitation team, especially with a doctor who was already in the room.
Factual error: Horatio and Detective Tripp refer to Redfish only being able to be caught in one place around Miami - "Mosquito Lagoon." First, Mosquito Lagoon is not in Miami, it is several hundred miles north, and secondly, there are plenty of places to catch Redfish around Miami. I used to live there. (00:12:30)
Factual error: During a interview, Tripp tells a suspect that he helped loosen the lug nuts on a police vehicle. However, when they flash to show the lug nuts being loosened, the actor is turning the lug wrench from left to right which would in fact tighten the lug nuts. (00:29:10)
Factual error: Toward the end of the episode, they state that one of the sisters had a vaccine for visiting Africa, specifically Dengue Fever. To date, 2014, there is no vaccine for Dengue Fever. You can only spray for mosquitoes or use repellent against them. (00:39:00)
Continuity mistake: In the beginning when Eric is taking the shoe print off the car door, you see him removing the silver sticky paper from the door first, then you see him starting the process when they start with the slide show of him collecting the evidence.
Factual error: In the episode originally aired on 10/24/05 entitled 'Under Suspicion' Walter Dresden's DNA was positively linked to a murder in Orlando. Even if the judge dismissed the case against him in Miami, he would have been transported to Orlando to stand trial for that crime, not simply released.
Kill Switch - S5-E23
Other mistake: In episode "Kill Switch" it states that Jason Billings died from a broken neck, it shows Tony Decker kicking him in the face snapping his neck. Jason then tries to claw his way up onto Tony's deck leaving the scratches and blood and getting the splinter under his nail. This wouldn't have been possible since he would have already been dead.
Factual error: When Nikki is found dead, electrocuted in her bath by having a tanning lamp thrown into the water with her, the lamp is shown as being on, fully lit, and mysterious blue electric lights are playing about around it. However, when the CSI crew enter the room they note that the safety on the plug tripped instantly - 'just not in time'. There should have been no power to the lamp, then.
Factual error: Every time the investigators deal with IP-addresses, the addresses on display are impossible. Each of the four parts of an IP-address has to be between 0 and 255. This isn't equivalent to the movie-specific 555 area code for phone numbers - having an IP address outside that range is like having a phone number which includes the % symbol - it's just impossible.
Factual error: Using a Draeger tube to test for nitric acid fume, the instrument made a clicking sound. This device does not click. The bellows pump is squeezed drawing air through the tube. A reaction takes place between the air contaminant and the material in the tube causing a color change. The length of stain is proportional to the concentration.
Continuity mistake: The scissors are being profiled but as seen with last scissor coming in, it's discarded after only one cut of the tape. This is NOT conclusive, as the whole blade of the scissor has to be profiled, which means he has to cut the tape at least a few times, until he has covered the whole blade, section by section.
Factual error: Nitric acid is a liquid and not a gas. The gaseous precurser is NO2 which combines with water forming nitric acid, HNO3. Neither causes instant death.