Plot hole: At the beginning of the episode, Eric and Jack call the cops on Luther for planning an illegal rave at the college, but the cops let him go because he had not started the rave. He still broke into the student union building, and therefore should have still been arrested. He even threatens Eric and Jack afterwards right in front of the cops, and they do nothing about it. (00:00:20 - 00:02:10)
A Midwinter Night's Dream - S1-E17
Plot hole: Niles makes up Frasier's couch to sleep in and when he lies down he lets out a yelp - and pulls a plastic pirate's hook from behind the cushions. Earlier Niles had appeared wearing a pirate's costume but at no point did he have a hook, nor did he go near the couch. His overcoat had been on the floor the whole time so it couldn't have come from there. It would have been difficult for it to get behind the cushions unless deliberately shoved there, which we never saw and makes no sense anyway.