Plot hole: In 'The Foretelling', it is said that Richard IV reigned for "13 glorious years" with a caption showing 1485-1498. 'The Black Seal' starts on St. Junipers' Day, 1498, but Blackadder spends 12 months locked up with Mad Gerald. So when the Royal Family are finally murdered it is actually 1499.
Plot hole: The timing in the episode "Head" is completely muddled up. Lady Farrow is shown petitioning the Queen to see her husband and states "My husband dies tomorrow." placing the scene on the Tuesday (Farrow was scheduled to be executed on the Wednesday). In the next scene Percy is asked by Blackadder how the executions went; he then turns to the Ploppys and states "I've got a few notes on today's show" placing the scene on Monday (as Drake and Ethingham were scheduled for execution on Monday and Farrow's death was moved to the same day to give Blackadder the rest of the week off). Lady Farrow then enters with the death warrant she obtained from the Queen in the previous scene, seemingly having travelled back in time a day.
Answer: The closest we ever get to knowing his first name is in series 3, when he claims it's "Sod Off". Blackadder asks him in series 3 where this came from, and he replies "Well, when I was a kid, living in the gutter, I'd go up to the other kids and say 'Hello, I'm Baldrick'. And they'd say, 'Yes, we know. Sod off, Baldrick.'" The S in this series is likely a reference to that, but it's not addressed, and given this Baldrick is clearly different from the series 3 Baldrick, we can't draw a direct link.