The Debt (2) - S3-E7
Other mistake: At the end when it shows that Xena did kill the "green dragon", you can see his eyes move when the camera pans around his face to show the hair clip in his temple.

Other mistake: Twelve seconds into the intro, the shot of the store with the name Adrian Grenier above it is mirrored. Notice the reversed lettering in the signs. (00:00:10)
Suggested correction: Does something in the intro count as a mistake? Even still, the signs could be facing the inside of the store on purpose, making it look like a reverse image from the outside. Just to the right of the store with Adrian Grenier's name on it, we see a sign for Pizza displayed correctly.
I would say, for this type of intro, it should be considered a mistake. I'd call it an "other mistake" as it wasn't done deliberately. There's no way the reversed imaged signs point into the store. The photo store has a solid sign that's not inward facing, with the word "Kodak" flipped. The neon signs facing outwards are also flipped. And the pizza signs are also incorrect. The p and z's are flipped as well.
You're absolutely correct, I do see the reverse print on the photo store. Oddly enough, one of the pizza signs is displayed correctly, however.

Other mistake: Whenever Charlie is playing the piano, it is clear he really is not. We hear notes playing that his hand is nowhere near at the time.

Other mistake: In the second season episode "The Car Salesman", notice the license plate on the real estate agent's truck. It is the same license plate that is later used in the season 5 episode, "The Ski Lift".

Other mistake: When T.J. types in his height instead of Floyd's while searching for his dad's date on the computer, he never pressed the "Enter" key.

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Hotel - S1-E12
Other mistake: In the episode "Its a Mad, Mad, Mad Hotel", when Esteban has his dream of becoming rich and London becoming his "Bell Girl", he calls the hotel "Hotel Esteban, but London's uniform still has a "T." When it cuts there is an "E" on the front desk.

Where in the World Is Pookie Stevens? - S3-E2
Other mistake: During the yard sale, in the first shot of Donnie's area where he has all his sports stuff, the sign behind him reads "Donny's Corner". "Donnie" is misspelled here. In all the shots after this one, there are sneakers, or some other equipment hanging over the "y's", hiding the spelling mistake.

Other mistake: Hawk gets a mohawk, but his hair was too short to style it like that.
Suggested correction: The mohawk was not a prop, but the actual hair of the actor they shaved off and mended together for him.
That is true, it was the actor's actual hair, but in the realm of the show, Eli's hair was not long enough to style that large of a mohawk out of it.

Other mistake: Kenneth Cope had to wear a toupee for his part. He did so, only it was initially on the wrong way, though no one pointed it out or noticed. If it ain't broke...

Knighttime - S3-E2
Other mistake: When Abby uses her phone to show Eric the pictures that Sven posted on Instagram, her phone states it is 11:26pm when you can see it is daylight after they walk back into Eric's room straight after. (00:05:00)

Other mistake: Jane Webb is listed in the closing credits as "Store Lady". She actually played the "Story Lady". (00:25:00)

Kitten Kong - S2-E7
Other mistake: When Twinkle (the kitten) is up the tree, Tim starts to throw up sticks, and, as a result, a big log falls on him. The 'log' is plastic, and is a completely different colour from the rest of the tree.

Other mistake: When Harold goes to kill his father, we see his dad on the seat moving each time we hear the hammer, but if you look at his head, you don't see anyone hitting him at all.

Episode Four - S1-E4
Other mistake: Jake is sitting at the kitchen counter top and is watching TV whilst doing his homework. You can see his red pencil case labelled 'Jake Rowlings'. Many times throughout the series the parents have been recognised as Mr and Mrs Brockman - not Rowlings. The children also have been referred to as Karen Ben and Jake Brockman. (00:13:40)
Suggested correction: Throughout the series, the Brockmans (specifically Pete and Sue) seem very ashamed of their family. In the first episode they tell Jake to give people Grandad's address. It doesn't seem out of character at all for them to tell Jake to give people a false surname. Also, Harry Potter came out at the same time so Rowling would be a very easy surname to choose. This isn't out of character for the parents at all if you look at the rest of the series.
The family's surname is not mentioned (other than on the pencil case) at any point in the first series. Likewise, the grandad is not named in the first series either. Sue even says she doesn't know anyone called Frank Morrison during Series 1 when Pete mentions a colleague of that name. This creates continuity errors when the family are given the name Brockman and Sue's father is established to be called Frank Morrison from Series 2 onwards.

The Germans - S1-E6
Other mistake: When Basil shuts Manuel in the burning kitchen and slams the door, the walls shake.

Other mistake: In "Violent Is The Word For Curly" (1938), the Stooges are mistaken for college professors. They are teaching a group of students at the all-girls school Mildew College to sing "Swingin' The Alphabet." During the song, the girls sing "Curly's a dope." The dean had introduced the three men as Professors Feinstein, Frankfurter and VonStupor - so how did the girls know Curly's name?

Other mistake: King Boz helps put out a fire with an extinguisher that is not operating; there is no mist exuding from it yet the flames go out.

Other mistake: In the beginning when Jess is showing the guys her outfit for Cece's party, you can see she is wearing blue platform high heels. She walks in them just fine. But the next day, when she's filling in for Cece, she's given platform high heels and can't walk in them at all. (00:02:37 - 00:15:17)

Other mistake: When Brick first goes to see Betty White in the library, she gives him until Walt Whitman's birthday (May 31st) to return the books. When he returns and realises he is still short 1 book, she gives him until Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's birthday which is May 22nd - before Whitman's birthday.

Other mistake: In the scene where Raphael and Michelangelo report from their ceiling vantage point, we see a hallway full of Foot ninjas. Strangely, we can see a brief shot of an Earth Protection Force trooper walking peacefully among amongst the Foot even though they are hostile to them. (00:07:50)