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Avatar picture

Easter egg: On Disc 3 of the Blu-Ray "Extended Collector's Edition", highlight the "Live Extras" and press the down button. This will display a "Theatrical Trailer 3D" and "Pandora Discovered 3D" option. Viewing these requires a 3D-enabled Blu-Ray and TV.


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I Spit On Your Grave picture

Easter egg: On the Special Edition version, go to page three of the special features, go to 'main menu' then hit left, and you can highlight the knife that Jennifer holds. The easter egg reveals a selection of stills from the movie.


More I Spit On Your Grave easter eggs
Collateral picture

Easter egg: On the second disc of the Double Disc edition of the DVD there is a Special Features menu listing about eight programs. If you press left from any of these the cursor moves onto a hidden box, giving you about eight more features to watch.

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Dawn of the Dead picture

Easter egg: This Easter Egg is on the Theatrical Version Special Divimax Edition, region 1, although it may be on other regions as well. Go to the Extras section. Scroll down to the "Main Menu" option, and then press down one more time. This will highlight the zombie silhouette to the right of the screen. Press enter and it will play an interview with Chris Romero.

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Constantine picture

Easter egg: On Disc 2 go to Special Features, select The Production From Hell, highlight Main Menu and click left. This will make a cross visible. Click OK. This will take you to some stunt coordinations.


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Die Another Day picture

Easter egg: Insert disc 2. Choose image database. Choose Locations and Sets. Go through the images until you come to the one with Halle Berry coming out of the water (number 12, but it differs). Press up on your remote. You now have a Halle Barry menu. You can now see Halle Berry come up out of the water from different camera angles.


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Ong-bak picture

Easter egg: On the Region 4 DVD release from Eastern Eye, on disk 2, go to the Extras menu, then the Poster Gallery and press right. A fist will light up in the top right of the screen. Select it to see the director talking about using 3D computer animation to plan the tuk tuk chase sequence.

More Ong-bak easter eggs
The Amityville Horror picture

Easter egg: If you look under Special Features, use the arrow keys to highlight "On Set Peeks", then use the left arrow key to light up a Red symbol. If you click on it, another menu called Haunts will appear with 2 more features - one shows a long version of the home movies shown in the film. The other is a scare reel that shows all the scary parts of the movie condensed to about 2 minutes.

Andrew Quattropani

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Sky High picture

Easter egg: On the main menu screen, go down to scene selection and go to the right. A small circle will appear on one of the gauges. Press enter and you get a little drawing sequence.

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The Godfather picture

Easter egg: Go to the Galleries section and select 'DVD Credits'. Press 'Next' a few times until you reach the last screen on the DVD credits menu. Press 'Next' again to see a scene from The Sopranos where they try to watch a bootlegged copy of the Godfather on DVD. Very funny.


More The Godfather easter eggs
Ginger Snaps picture

Easter egg: On the Region 1 DVD from the trilogy box set, go to the Special Features menu. The cursor should be on 'Deleted Scenes'. Push 'up' and the cursor will move to the right of the 'Special Features' title. Hit 'Select' to see footage of Katharine Isabelle, Emily Perkins and John Fawcett joking around during rehearsals. This easter egg is also included as a standard special feature in the 2014 Blu-Ray release through Shout Factory.

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The Sixth Sense picture

Easter egg: On the Collector's Edition Series DVD, go to the Bonus Material menu. Click on the More button, then scroll down to highlight the brown box and press Enter. M. Night Shyamalan will show you a clip of another horror movie he made.

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X-Men picture

Easter egg: On the special features part, go to galleries and select the wolverine dog tag at the bottom.

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The Abyss picture

Easter egg: In the Special Edition DVD (with the white slipcover), in the Imaging Station, if you go to the top of the stack of the videotapes and hit the right arrow button, the TV screen changes to say, "They mostly come at night. Mostly." Hit "enter" to see a trailer for "Aliens," a movie James Cameron directed.

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My Super Ex-Girlfriend picture

Easter egg: On the disc's main menu, wait for a couple of seconds. Kate's rump will appear and will do a stinky like her son (Stinky). Press your down button until you see PRRRP. Press your enter button to see a clip of Kate teaching you to spell the word "POOP" and some weird message that is saying stinky stuff. Whew. On the special features menu, go to the second page. Highlight the "Photo Gallery" menu entry and press your enter button to highlight S Club. Press your enter button to watch this.

More My Super Ex-Girlfriend easter eggs
The Cell picture

Easter egg: Go to the Main menu, then to Special features. On the Special Features page highlight the little "New Line Cinema" logo, to open a page of credits.


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The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian picture

Easter egg: This Easter Egg is on the second page on the Extras DVD. At the bottom of the page, between the Setup and More buttons, a crown pops up. Clicking on it brings up the Easter Egg. It is called Monster Cam (it shows the scene underground in the How, when the Narnians come up and surprise the Telmarines). There is a camera put in one of the minotaur's heads.

More The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian easter eggs

Saw (2004)

Saw picture

Easter egg: On the 2nd disc, if you go to dissection then hit the down arrow then the right arrow, it will tell you the story of Billy the puppet.

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Die Hard picture

Easter egg: On Die Hard Ultimate Edition disc 2(special features) the menu is themed around the Nakatomi building roof, and the highlighted option has roof lights lit up. Press up to highlight secret lights, and press enter to see an explosion.

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Star Trek: Nemesis picture

Easter egg: On the second disc of the special edition enter "The Star Trek universe", go to "A Star Trek family's final journey", click left to highlight the top of the rotunda. When you enter, you can watch X-Men director Bryan Singer talk about his cameo.

More Star Trek: Nemesis easter eggs

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