Easter egg: In the two-disc special edition set, on the second disc, go to Complete Index of Unique Features, then Day Out Of Days, then click on virtually any item. Press up to find different Easter Eggs that will show you a small clip.

Easter egg: This is on the Bonus/Feature DVD of 2-DVD set. Go to Behind the Scenes. Click on Publicity. An Omnidroid silhouette appears near the end of the menu's animation loop. When the silhouette appears, move the cursor right to highlight it and then click enter. A short clip will play that shows Dash & Mr Incredible competing for a TV remote. When that ends, if you click on the silhouette again, a different short clip of Mr Incredible & Frozone appears.

Easter egg: In the main menu you need two numbers to access the log book for other features. Go into "bonus treasure hunt". Play about 10 secends of each feature,press disc menu on the remote and you will get the letters su,re,ea+tr. Once you get all letters, this will bring you to another menu which the word "treasure" has to be typed to get the bonus secret number(as well as other features). Once you watch and play with the remote under "riley pooles decode this",the number 0421 will come up at the end. Then you will need to go to "main menu" (on the same page),press right to show a symbol above the revolving picture. Press enter and punch in 0421 to access the master code. Also you will be able to watch the movie with trivia. The two numbers needed for the log book in the main menu are 397 and 405. Enjoy.

Easter egg: In the Spider-man 2 widescreen Disc 2, under the "Making the Amazing" sub menu, a picture of Doc Ock and his tentacles are in the background. If you click the upper left tentacle (using a DVD-ROM on a computer) a clip of Willem Dafoe pretending to be Doc Ock is shown. When using a normal DVD player, you can use the arrow keys. When "Play All" is selected use the arrow-up key once, the upper left tentacle turns green, then click "Enter" and you will see the same clip.

Easter egg: On the second disc of the Double Disc edition of the DVD there is a Special Features menu listing about eight programs. If you press left from any of these the cursor moves onto a hidden box, giving you about eight more features to watch.

Easter egg: On the Special Features Disc, in "The Movie" menu under "Features," at the bottom, on the left, click on the curly part of the decoration so it's highlighted. It shows a cast/crew sing-a-long for the song "The Phantom of the Opera."

Easter egg: On the special collector's edition, in the Special Features second menu (go to Special Features then go to MORE - its the menu with the gag reel and deleted scenes) then press 1 on your remote. The EXTRA written on the upper-left of the newspaper should light up and you will get a 2 minute clip entitled "Secret behind the scenes look at the animation department, by Steve Meyer". There's a surprise ending so go watch it.

Easter egg: On the first page of the "special features" menu, you will notice a blank space in the middle between "more" and "main menu" on the very bottom of the page. If you got to the main menu button and then go once to the left, a series of numbers like the ones Ben Kingsley draws in the movie will appear where that blank space is. If you select it, it is a short interview with a Taoist master about the "third eye" principle.

Easter egg: On the opening menu for the full screen version DVD, you have two options, to either Convert or Fight. The Easter Egg is available on both options. If you chose Convert and after the menu loads press the up arrow, you will highlight a part of the pedestal where Riddick stands in the movie. The scene available is a behind the scenes look between Riddick and the Lord Marshal. The scene is also available if you chose the Fight option; you just have to press the left arrow and highlight one of the knives to watch the same scene.

Easter egg: In the 2 disc special edition, on the pre-production menu, towards the bottom, if you click right, you'll highlight a face-hugger. Click it to see an interesting video by Tom Woodruff Jr., the lead alien.

Easter egg: When accessing the directors' commentary, press right and you will find a 2nd commentary by different people.

Easter egg: On the 2nd disc, if you go to dissection then hit the down arrow then the right arrow, it will tell you the story of Billy the puppet.