Easter egg: On the 'choose their fate' version of the movie, straight after Ashlyn says 'oh a few degrees won't hurt' you get asked which temperature she should change it to (73 degrees or 76 degrees) if you choose 76 degrees, you see Ashlyn and Ashley's alternate death. Instead of being incinerated, the pair are electrocuted, as Ashlyn manages to get out of her tanning bed before the wood shelf jams the pair in, instead she is hit in the head (and knocked unconscious) by the wooden shelf. She later awakens, frees the wood from Ashley's bed, and quotes "I got you" and grabs Ashley's hand, but the glass of the bed underneath Ashley breaks, and she falls into the wiring of the tanning bed, electrocuting them both.

Easter egg: Go to scenes, and go to the screen for scenes 10-12. In the lower right corner will be a small X. Highlight it and press enter for an extended scene with Beast reciting Shakespeare.

Easter egg: On the 2-Disc Director's Cut DVD (Region One), if you can complete the entire trivia game (which includes around 50 or so questions, some of which are extremely hard), you are able to view a hidden video.

Easter egg: On the disc's main menu, wait for a couple of seconds. Kate's rump will appear and will do a stinky like her son (Stinky). Press your down button until you see PRRRP. Press your enter button to see a clip of Kate teaching you to spell the word "POOP" and some weird message that is saying stinky stuff. Whew. On the special features menu, go to the second page. Highlight the "Photo Gallery" menu entry and press your enter button to highlight S Club. Press your enter button to watch this.