Easter egg: On Disc 2 of the limited edition DVD, select the Clock icon on the main menu. When you get a series of questions, pick C for all of them, until you get 4 pics of a woman changing her tire, then put the pics in reverse order. If done right, the credits will start to play backwards, then the movie plays in the correct order with the phone call scenes being first.

Easter egg: On the trailers part, select the rose on the left to watch a funny outtake of Spider-Man.

Easter egg: From the disc's main menu, go to the 'Special Features' section. On each of the three Special Features menus that are in this section a hidden feature can be found. On the first page, highlight 'G'ed up' and then press the 'Right' arrow to highlight Cameron Diaz's mid section. Press 'Enter' now and you will see a 20 second montage clip of the girls. On the second page of the 'Special Features,' highlight 'Wired Angels' and then press the 'Left' arrow key on your remote control. This will highlight a box on Bosley's chest and pressing 'Enter' now will give you some behind-the-scenes footage featuring Drew Barrymore as she's having a plaster cast made of her face. The third Easter Egg can be found on the third 'Special Features' page. Highlight the arrow pointing left on the menu screen and then press the 'Right' arrow key on your remote control. This will highlight another box, which will give you access to short behind-the-scenes sequence, including a more than passable impression of Christopher Walken by Sam Rockwell.

Easter egg: This feature is found in disc 2. On the main menu highlight the first item on the list. Push up and then push right it will take you to a fun montage.

Easter egg: Go to the Main menu, then to Special features. On the Special Features page highlight the little "New Line Cinema" logo, to open a page of credits.

Easter egg: On the Region 1 DVD from the trilogy box set, go to the Special Features menu. The cursor should be on 'Deleted Scenes'. Push 'up' and the cursor will move to the right of the 'Special Features' title. Hit 'Select' to see footage of Katharine Isabelle, Emily Perkins and John Fawcett joking around during rehearsals. This easter egg is also included as a standard special feature in the 2014 Blu-Ray release through Shout Factory.