Plot hole: Near the end of the film, the crippled Thunderbird 5 is about to catastrophically re-enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up. Predictably, the younger Tracy brother restores control, saves Thunderbird 5 and all on board. A few seconds later, a computer announces that Thunderbird 5 has resumed a geostationary orbit (such orbits are only possible at an altitude of 400km) My point? Pulling out of a fall, climbing 370km in a few seconds, and then stopping dead 400km up would have required such a massive acceleration/deceleration that everyone on board would probably have been pulverized, even if it were possible for a badly-damaged space station to move that fast.

Plot hole: During the nova scene, everyone is tying down the sails after securing themselves with lifelines to the mast. Jim and Silver are on the front and Silver is knocked off. Jim is then all dramatic and runs to grab Silver's lifeline which seems to be coming from above, and pulls Silver up like a pulley. How come? The lifelines were attached to the mast, so Jim's action is pointless... even if he could do it, because a shot later both lifelines are streaming right to the mast, leaving no room for a pulley of any sort.

Plot hole: The giant-sized teenagers show themselves at the garden party and start making threats about taking over the town. They then spend the night in the theatre, and the next day they decide to cut off all communications to and from the town. For some reason, not one of the party-goers, or the sheriff, decided to call someone during the night and tell the remarkable story about 30 feet tall teenagers seizing the power through force.

Plot hole: They all drop their backpacks and bags 3/4 mile down into the hole before climbing by rope into the caverns to begin their journey. Later in the movie, they are all sitting deep in the caverns complaining about the lack of water supply. Suddenly the long-haired guy pulls out a large glass bottle of gin, completely intact and they all drink from it. There is no way his pack could have fallen 3/4 mile onto a hard surface without that bottle breaking.

Plot hole: Granted, Coffee is suffering from "high-pressure nervous syndrome," but if you're a Navy SEAL, wouldn't you notice whether or not your pistol has a magazine in it? Monk pulls the clip out of his jacket and starts knocking rounds out of it for the rig crew's benefit; the same dramatic effect could have been achieved with a handful of cartridges he could let slip through his fingers. You could argue that Monk didn't have enough time to unload the gun and replace the magazine, but in that case, I think the scene where Monk briefly had the gun should have been a bit longer. (Even had the empty magazine been IN the gun, Coffee still might notice the difference in weight, but that would be easier to suspend your disbelief for.) (01:43:53)

Plot hole: When Captain Towers gives his XO an injection to allow him to die in peace, he, properly, swabs the site with alcohol, and slips the needle into the vein. However, immediately below the injection site, is a hep-lock.a port installed into a vein to allow injectables to be administered. I cannot imagine that a senior Naval officer would be so ignorant of the port's function.

Plot hole: When Gallagher is trying to kill the senator at the end, he is fired on by his bodyguards. Yet when they finally catch up with him, they're quite content to stand back and watch him torch the senator. One of them even lowers his gun. They couldn't have known Gallagher and the senator were aliens. (01:27:20)

Plot hole: The creature gets caught in the fishing net and (after a struggle that shook the whole boat) freed itself. The scientists, upon drawing up the net, find one of the creature's claws, and thus they now seek its source. Shortly after, while Mark is busy loading a harpoon gun, Dave is protesting, stating, "This...this thing *alive* and in it's natural habitat..." It would seem that at this point, they know the creature is *not* dead, but very much alive. They dive, they see it, Mark shoots it with a harpoon, and then upon surfacing, they argue a bit before reporting what they saw to everyone else. So why after seeing it underwater, fully knowing that "this thing (is) alive," do they act so surprised to see it, as if they didn't have a clue it could possibly still exist?

Plot hole: The alien digs an extensive underground network of tunnels beneath the cemetery without leaving huge piles of dirt above ground. (01:29:05)
Suggested correction: There appears to be a large pile of dirt between the building and road [@ 00:54:31] when Joe went to the cemetery to "visit" his mother. Perhaps there is more behind the building. Or, based on how far the creature could toss large appliances, the "monster" might have flung some of the dirt far away (to the next county?).

Plot hole: One alien egg is shown hanging from the wall at the start of this film, yet there's no way it can be there. The queen didn't take any with her from LV426 in 'Aliens', and if she did, she had no opportunity to place them on the Sulaco between exiting the dropship's landing gear, engaging Ripley and being killed.

Plot hole: When we see the Zenith Team playing softball, it's a scene taken from later in the movie. For one thing, Mr. Pibb is there, even though we don't meet him until the next scene. Second, they're in the room with the UFO, but we don't see that until later. Finally, Zoom's outfit is different than the last scene, but in the next scene he's wearing the same outfit.

Plot hole: Whilst on the surface a drifting ship is seen and an officer and two sailors are sent to check it. On deck the officer says check fore and aft. The sailor who goes to the right and out of sight is back in 5 seconds. This is not enough time to check his allocated section. The script should have shown the officer check his watch (dial visible) and say something like "you have got 15 minutes". Next shot to show the officer checking his watch again and we see 10 minutes have passed and the men return.

Plot hole: There is no way that 'coast of Iceland' could ever have been mistranslated as 'coast of Ireland'. For this to have happened, they would have had to have thought that the 'C' rune was an 'R' rune, but they had already deciphered the word 'coast', so they knew what the 'C' rune was. The 'O's are the same rune and the 'A's are the same rune, plus there is one rune for every letter, so it it's a direct letter-by-letter translation.

Plot hole: How come the Extremis serum was able to regenerate Ellen Brandt's arm but not repair the scar on her face? According to the movie, the serum is supposed to rewrite the body's genetic code and constantly repair damaged cells, so her face should have been restored to its original state, just like her missing arm. Even if she had been born with the scar the serum would have healed it, just like it healed all of Aldrich Killian's physical impairments. (00:51:40)

Plot hole: Tyler jumps into the water, then grabs his mask and puts it on and begins swimming, but he fails to clear his mask by blowing the water out of it. Without clearing it, he wouldn't have been able to see a thing.

Plot hole: There are two timelines in the X-Men franchise - the original films and the prequels, up until Days of Future past, which alters the future, and at the end reveals that Jean Grey, Professor X and Cyclops are all alive, rather than dying as they did in X-Men 3. The "new" timeline is then followed in Apocalypse and this movie, giving them a bit of leeway to make changes, much like the new Star Trek movies. Only problem is...Jean Grey dies in this movie! So no way her older self can be around in DoFP.
Suggested correction: I think you might have missed the final shot in the movie, when the camera pans up from Charles and Erik playing chess and the Phoenix firebird is shown flying across the sky/stratosphere, implying that, much like the Phoenix's legendary namesake, Jean had risen from the ashes so to speak. There is precedent for this in the comics, plus there were supposed to be more X-Men movies after this one until the Disney/Fox merger happened.
Yes, but she even said she evolved beyond earth, so that is basically saying that she died. Or she isn't on earth anymore.
Suggested correction: Bryan Singer confirmed that the end of Days of Future Past with Jean Grey being alive is one of many timelines, there are more than 2 timelines in this universe, meaning that despite all the X-Men being alive in the future at the of Days of Future Past, they can still all die in other movies like in Logan and Dark Phoenix.

Plot hole: Considering that this family has been training for the mission for years and certainly have received some instruction in astrobiology, they are awfully carefree around the cute little alien. Any real space farer would be aware of the enormous potential problems with first contact, like incompatible biochemistry (aliens might exude deadly toxins from their skin, be eaten alive by human-exhaled oxygen, etc). They even feed it human food without analyzing the alien; again, this could kill it, make it chemically dependent, cause it to go into a mating cycle, etc. But it's cute alien, so naturally they don't worry about any of this.

Plot hole: If Marybeth was able to seal her nostrils and use her extended finger to remove the cap and make nobody suspicious about her, why didn't Delilah do the same thing? She was alien, so she should've still been able to do it, same as Marybeth.

Plot hole: Revelations in this film create a potential plot hole in Episode IV, in which Vader says Princess Leia is his only link to learning the location of the Rebel base. In this film, Vader captures the Profundity (Raddus' command ship), which is transporting the Tantive IV in its cargo hold. Vader then watches the Tantive IV fly away with the Death Star plans, leading into the beginning of A New Hope in which he captures that ship. So, the first question is, were there no survivors of the Profundity Vader could interrogate to learn of the location of the Rebel base (assuming the navicomputer has been scrubbed). Even if the entire crew were killed, in A New Hope we see several crewmembers of the Tantive IV have been captured. This film shows that the Tantive IV was at Yavin prior to the battle (evidenced by R2-D2 and C-3PO in the hangar). That then raises the question of why Vader couldn't have interrogated those other crewmembers to learn the location of Yavin as the Rebel base.