Plot hole: Brent discovers that Taylor is on the planet and has a connection to Nova through the dog tags she is wearing. However, throughout the first movie, Taylor never had any dog tags on his person. Also, his ship was destroyed, and he only managed to retrieve a life raft and supplies. His belongings and clothing were taken from him when he was apprehended by the apes. Taylor should never have had any dog tags to give to Nova or for Brent to discover. (00:11:10)

Plot hole: We don't see any herbivores in the underground world - just fish and little birds. A T-Rex would need lots of big game to survive.

Plot hole: After Reverse Flash saves Lois Lane and kills all the Amazons that were attacking her, he disappears, just before a group of resistance fighters shows up. They know that they didn't take out any of the Amazons, it's obvious that Lois didn't kill them, yet the resistance members show no concern as to who was responsible. The war involves three separate groups, the resistance, the Amazons and the Atlanteans, each of whom is equally hostile to the other two. As such, the resistance cannot assume that whoever killed the Amazons must be an ally and let their guard down, as it could easily have been an Atlantean force, who would make no distinction between the Amazons and the resistance and would attack them on sight. An experienced resistance team would not be so casual about the situation. (00:40:50)

Plot hole: After Pikachu and Mewtwo begin falling down, Tim is suddenly on the ground in a matter of seconds, with little to no time to arrive there. There are multiple stairs, and he does not have any Pokémon to help him get down. He couldn't have gotten to the ground that fast.

Plot hole: When the flying saucer first appears, it is supposed to be 4 AM. But the grave diggers are still there from the burial of Bela Lugosi's wife.

Plot hole: If the Devil made Claire blind again, how did she read the fine print of the devils contract with Toxie saying that there was an escape pod?

Plot hole: If the government guys could see Daryl in the cockpit, they should have known they could finish him off. If they launched a missile, he would either be hit by it or cook himself himself trying to outrun or outclimb it.

Plot hole: In the arial shot of the plateau, it's obvious its just a mesa. It's not at all large enough to support such big animals like those dinosaurs, who would have to eat great amounts of food. All small animals would be hunted into extinction, and all of the trees would have been cleared out long ago. Plus, there would be no place for the dinosaurs to hide, so the team should have seen the monsters right away.

Plot hole: Susan theorises that the insects have evolved to resemble people because of predatory pressure. However, for this to be true people must have been killing them - apart from the handful of 'moles and junkies' (who were the prey, not the killers) this film shows the first contact between humans and the evolved 'Judas bug'.

Plot hole: When Quatermass is being admonished by the senior minister for talking to the press, Breen gives his own theory to explain the presence of the spaceship: He says that it was used a propaganda weapon in 1944 and that the figures inside were made up of scraps old skin and bone, why was he unable to explain how the hull of the spaceship was heat resistant up to 3,000 degrees and harder than diamond?

Plot hole: After Dennis (the first guard assistant) gets killed, the vault is open for several minutes before the old guard arrives. The hobgoblins, however, do not run for their freedom, but patiently wait until the hero, Kevin, comes in a later scene and opens the door. Then they escape as quickly as they can.

Plot hole: The rape scene in the parking lot... there is no one around for THAT long? But wait, once the detectives come in the scene two people are walking in the background with a shopping cart - they must have seen something!

Plot hole: If the president thinks it's so important that the Martians comes to the Congress to present their excuses, why didn't they bring the translating machine? (00:52:35)
Suggested correction: Because, as has been demonstrated, the "translating" machine is about as much use as t*ts on a tomcat.

Plot hole: After Steven breaks out of prison, he goes to Jason's home. Then Jessica's boyfriend shows up talking on the phone and he says he will ask Jessica for permission to shoot their show at Jason's house. He should know that Jessica doesn't know she is a relative of Jason.

Plot hole: In the scene where Richard Gere is looking at his reflection in the motel bathroom mirror, he imagines smashing his face into the mirror. When the phone rings, breaking his hallucination, he still has blood on his hands but it is never addressed.

Plot hole: At the end the police shoot Cole while he was chasing Dr Peters but the police do not stop Dr Peters and question him as to why a man was chasing him at the airport with a gun, instead he is unchallenged and allowed to continue his journey.
Suggested correction: There is no connection between Cole and Dr. Peters, nobody knows he is specifically chasing him. Dr. Peters is beyond the gates and on his way into the plane so unless they want to stop the entire flight, which is unlikely, he is left alone. Perfectly reasonable.
Cole is chasing a man and Dr. Peters is running away (and knocking people over in the process). Further, they were screaming "there he is...stop him he's got a deadly virus" and pointing at Dr. Peters. Highly unlikely they would have let the plane depart.
There was a dude with a gun, a lot of people were running, panicking. Perfectly reasonable reaction from Peters. The police were after Cole anyway, so the attention was on him, not on Peters. And as I said, Peters was already past the inspection, so he was where he was supposed to be and there was no reason to stop him.
Not to mention that Dr. Railly can also corroborate the reason Dr. Peters is being chased.
Dr. Railly can corroborate the reason Cole is chasing Dr. Peters. When she points out that he is even on the front page of USA Today with a Nobel Prize winner, I think they'd definitely investigate.
The shrink was still alive and seemed to give up quickly on her mission to stop a virus from killing billions. Like she just let them take her while she remained silent instead of continuing to scream that he had a virus so Cole died in vain. And they would know why he was chasing them because all they would need to do was ask him.
Her concern was with Cole, she tries to protect him throughout the movie. After Cole is shot she knows there is no way they let her continue the chase, all she cares about is Cole. Cole is being chased by the cops, no reason for them to believe what he is yelling, no reason to believe her either, since she is as an accomplice.
Suggested correction: Considering a building fell on the bodies it would be extremely hard to determine the actual cause of death. Phoenix also could have killed them in a way that doesn't easily show in an autopsy, like asphyxiation.
True, but why would they take the word of a known murdering kingpin over a police officer that while may not do things by the book, has always been for the greater good? It just seems way too far fetched.
The lack of soot and other ignition debris in the lungs and tracheas of the dead bodies would have immediately told the pathologists and coroners who examined the bodies that the hostages were dead before the building was destroyed by an explosion supposedly set off by John Spartan. It doesn't matter how badly mangled the bodies were - a tissue sample no bigger than your little finger would have told them everything they needed to know. John Spartan did not commit manslaughter.