Plot hole: In the unedited video footage of the helicopter incident shown to the crowd, the last shot of Arnie getting knocked out is seen from his perspective and as such could never have been filmed by any camera.

Plot hole: Superman traps the supervillain (whose power depends on sunlight) inside of an elevator to incapacitate him. Superman then ripped the elevator out of the building. He then plants it on the far side of the moon. Later on, sunlight starts to shine into the elevator through a slit at where the doors meet. The villain of course recharges and comes after Superman again. Now, if light could get through that crack there, then why couldn't it get through when the elevator was ripped out of the building in BROAD DAYLIGHT?

Plot hole: When Gwildor tells Julie and Kevin that he can use the Cosmic Key to take them to any point in time they wish, Kevin asks just for them to go straight home. As Kevin and Julie go through the portal, Julie turns around and shouts to Gwildor to send them back before being dragged through the portal completely. When Julie wakes up in bed, she discovers that Gwildor has sent her back to the day her parents were killed. Julie never said where in time she wanted to go, so there's no way Gwildor could know to send her back to the day her parents died.

Plot hole: When Gallagher is trying to kill the senator at the end, he is fired on by his bodyguards. Yet when they finally catch up with him, they're quite content to stand back and watch him torch the senator. One of them even lowers his gun. They couldn't have known Gallagher and the senator were aliens. (01:27:20)

Plot hole: After being hit with the spores, Cobra Commander cannot walk or even move very well with any speed at all. The Cobra minions have to drag him to their prison with the Joes and just leave him there on the ground after the Joes make a break for it. The Joes go quite a distance to engage Cobra. Road Block is delayed only a couple seconds behind the other Joes when he is grabbed, but knocks out the minion who grabbed him. Suddenly, Cobra Commander is at his feet telling him to wait because it's a trap. Later, Road Block has to carry Cobra Commander because he still can't move much. There's no way Cobra Commander could have caught up with Road Block to warn him of the trap. (00:52:50)

Plot hole: When Murphy is in the changeroom at the station, he learns that an officer has just died and that his funeral (according to the captain) would be the next day. There's simply no way a funeral can take place one day after someone's death. All the planning, prep work and getting the body released to the funeral home would take about a week...plus many other things. Simply cannot be done.

Plot hole: After Blaine gets killed and the group hose down the forest, Poncho goes and checks for the enemy. He comes back and says he didn't find tracks or blood "We hit NOTHINGGG." Now, while he would be looking for red blood, he certainly should have noticed at least the glowing Predator blood (made from glow stick fluid - widely used by the military and public alike at the time) easily visible on the large leaf, and deduced that came from something - perhaps the enemy soldier had a glow stick.
Suggested correction: This isn't a plot hole. The plot of the movie isn't broken because of this. It's an assumption that he "should have noticed" the predator blood but he might not have. And if he had, and had discounted it, it would only be a character error not to have mentioned it.
A plot hole doesn't strictly need to "break" the plot to count as a plot hole. The term most often refers to instances when a film contradicts its own sense of internal logic. For example, something happening that contradicts something else that was already established, vital information being left out, or a character acting way out of character for the benefit of the plot. In this case, this absolutely could count as a plot hole.