Plot hole: The huge explosion that rips through Tara's house isn't very likely. She only left the stove on for a short while, and if there was really a massive concentration of gas as depicted by the explosion, the Agent who fired the shot that triggered it should have collapsed from inhaling so much gas.

Plot hole: When Debbie and Mike are in the pink cocoon room of the circus tent Mike yells, 'Joe Lombardo.' However, Joe Lombardo doesn't die until at least 4 scenes later in the movie, when a Killer Klown edges him off the road and over a cliff.

Plot hole: Dr Doom has amazing powers, able to crush people or pop their heads in an instant, which he does to all the humans but not to his biggest threat, the Fantastic 4.

Plot hole: The facehuggers "see" by reading body heat, but this contradicts nearly every other film in which the creatures appear. In the original film they can see Kane's face through a space suit and helmet, so it must be tracking more than just body heat. The creatures also routinely leap directly at their victim's faces. This suggests that they "see" facial detail in some way that goes beyond simply reading body heat. The protagonists should not be completely invisible just by hiding their body heat.
Suggested correction: The thorax and chest cavity is the warmest part of the body. It's tracking the heat from your breath and see's it as an opening down to the chest cavity. Which is why it always latches onto the face. It helps when the victim screams too. More heat.
It can't read Kane's body heat through a space suit, and his breath isn't escaping from his helmet at his mouth. It leaps directly at his face and melts through the helmet to get where it needs to go. The intent in the original film is that the creatures can see, not just read body heat. Additionally, we see from the xenomorph perspective in Alien 3 and Alien Covenant and their vision is not based on body heat. The heroes are invisible here just by raising room temperature.
Where has it ever been stated that they can't read Kane's body heat through a space suit? They're literally showing you it can. That's not a mistake of the movie. Alien 3 happened after this movie. Alien Covenant's praetomorph was created by David. So not the same situation as this. This is also someone speculating based off observation and study vs. A camera trick of showing their actual vision in events that haven't happened yet or on another planet. So they could be wrong.
It's a space suit, they are insulated. That's why when you wear a space suit the lack of atmosphere doesn't kill you. There's no possible way creatures that only see heat could see a human through a space suit. That's a mistake for THIS movie and this movie alone because this is the only instance where heat vision is suggested. The fact that earlier released films take place later in the mythos doesn't really change anything, this film makes a claim unsupported by the other films.
There was wind and ice on that planet. That constitutes an atmosphere. Kane is in a giant helmet, leaning fully over the egg opening as it hatched. That was pretty much the only place it could go. Just because the suit is insulated from the cold atmosphere on the outside, doesn't mean the suit itself can't get hot from the heat inside. Also, these are aliens, I never get trying to apply human logic to a fictional being from another planet, in the future, that survives in an atmosphere we can't.
There is some atmosphere on LV-426, but that is entirely missing the point. The space suit is designed to be worn in no atmosphere, so it is insulated. Space is incredibly cold; if your body heat could be drawn to the surface of a space suit, you would freeze to death in minutes while wearing one in space. You can't read someone's body heat through a space suit. I am not trying to apply "human logic" to an alien; I am saying this film contradicts the others. Thus, it is a plot hole.
You're missing the point. Kane leaned over the opening in a giant helmet, inches from the creature. Where else was the facehugger going to jump to? You keep saying, "you can't read someone's body heat"; that's based off current human knowledge and our abilities, not the abilities of a fictional alien creature who lives in the cold reaches of space. You can't say what it can or cannot do when it is showing you that it can.
We can absolutely say what the creature can and can't do based on what has been shown countless times throughout 40-plus years of canon media. This film makes a claim to create a tense scene. That scene contradicts what we know about the creatures. There has never been any indication that they see based on heat, and implying that they do does not follow how we see them behaving in basically every other appearance. Them "showing us that it can" is the mistake; that's, by definition, a plot hole.
Why do you refuse to answer my question? Kane leaned over the opening in a giant helmet, inches from the creature. Where else was the facehugger going to jump to?
To answer your question: How does it know anything is even there? They see by heat, and the characters in this film are invisible just by raising room temperature. It shouldn't know that Kane is even in the room. So where else should it have jumped? Nowhere; he should be invisible according to this film. It shouldn't have jumped at all.
Suggested correction: Someone in a spacesuit has the problem of excess body heat; the suit needs to dissipate the excess heat from the body, as it insulates the body against the vacuum of space. In real life, space suits are attached with tubes that dissipate the body heat when the astronaut is on a spacewalk; the suit has a cooling system for this. But Kane didn't have tubes to dissipate his body heat with, so where does his body heat go? Why not the helmet?
That's speculation, not really a correction. It's a space suit; that much is clear. It doesn't have a visible cooling system like a real-life space suit, but this series takes place in the distant future. We're getting a little hung up on this one example, but honestly, these films are 40-plus years apart. There are dozens of other instances where it is clear the facehuggers and the xenomorphs can see more than just body heat.
The xenomorphs can definitely see more than just heat, but that's not the statement in the movie. I can think of no examples that show facehuggers can see anything more than just heat/infrared.

Plot hole: The demonstration to the Board of the system's potential is ported through acoustic modems. Even in those days (early 1980s), anyone would have realized that the bandwidth simply wasn't possible at 300 bps.

Plot hole: Travis does the last time jump to change the events of a previous time jump. As all the jumps were to the exact same time to kill the same dinosaur, the travelers of the second jump must have found there the travelers of the first one. The travelers of the third jump must have found the travelers of the second and the first, and so on.

Plot hole: Wouldn't Taylor have suspected he was still on Earth, seeing as all the apes were speaking English?

Plot hole: The movie establishes the narrative that megalodons have been locked beneath a layer of hydrogen-sulfide and that the first sub to penetrate that layer is their own research sub, thus allowing the megalodon to escape the hydrogen-sulfide layer for the first time in modern history. So, how could there be a megalodon present to at the very beginning of the movie, which interfered with the protagonist's rescue efforts?

Plot hole: During the warp-speed chase, the Vengeance literally blasts the Enterprise to pieces, and dozens if not scores of Enterprise crew members are killed and injured in the carnage. The medical crew, including Chief Medical Officer McCoy, should have been working feverishly on the wounded and dying for hours, at least. Instead, as Kirk asks Khan for help, the Sickbay is practically deserted, and McCoy is almost idly conducting blood experiments on a dead tribble. There's no sense of a catastrophic medical emergency whatsoever. It's as though the Sickbay sequence was shot for a different script in which there was no emergency, and then lazily inserted into a rewritten script.

Plot hole: How would any of the EVA/16MM video footage be recovered in the first place? Astronauts took pictures like these on rolls of film, and those were developed well after the end of the flight. If the spacecraft had not been recovered at all, then the footage would simply be a piece of orbiting space junk. (01:22:40)

Plot hole: Despite supposedly being deprived of food, neither of the main characters (nor most of the minor characters) seem to display any signs of malnutrition. They both have all of their visible teeth, their stomachs are not distended and they seem to have a large amount of energy to travel by foot over lengthy distances.

Plot hole: When Sid shoots the TV-show host, the number of viewers doubles in two seconds. How would all those people find out so fast and switch channels?

Plot hole: When the old women are painting the eggs, you can see them blowing the yolk out of some. Why didn't they blow the yolk out of the Critter eggs?

Plot hole: In the scene where The Commander and Jetstream are called to fight the giant robot, Will's mom says "What if he forgets his lunch?" In every scene where he's eating lunch at school, Will has a school lunch.

Plot hole: After E.D.I. goes rouge, Kara brings up his weapons list, which consists of 2 ThroatRippers, 2 ShockHammers, and 3 Blue Ferrets, so E.D.I. has 7 missiles. He fires two during the Russian dogfight, another two when he and Ben escape from Alaska, and another two at the Korean border - one of which is the last missile. That's 6. So where did the last missile go?

Plot hole: Summer vacation couldn't be taken away just because it is winter, (or just snowy), they could just go by the date.

Plot hole: When Becky falls asleep she is awakened by Miles and has now become an alien, However she should have died and her essence should have been in one of the pods. There were none nearby.

Plot hole: So when he travels through time whatever he has on him or with him or whatever he's holding goes back in time with him just like his dog or the wood. Now he's sitting on the rock drinking a beer and his friend is talking to him and all that's heard and seen is his beer bottle breaking on the rock when he disappears through time. Makes no sense for it to fall from his hand and break if he's in possession of it. The beer should've gone with him. (01:26:30 - 01:27:30)

Plot hole: If the cars are assigned on a "first come, first served"-bases, how can the tv programme have footage of the drivers posing with their cars, seeing as not all of them survive?

Plot hole: Hock sneaks a gun into the prisoner interrogation area because he is told that guns are not allowed there. If the prison was so strict about keeping guns out of that area then they would surely have metal detectors to prevent such a thing from happening. (00:15:25)
Suggested correction: Not a plot hole at all. Most of the people who are allowed in those areas will be government employees, who will be deemed trusted enough to follow the rules.