Easter egg: On the film disc (disc 1) of the Theatrical Version, in the language selection menu there is a THX logo somewhere. Highlight it using the arrows on your remote, then enter the number 1138 while you have it highlighted (may vary on different DVD players, on mine I have to push a little 10 button, then 1 1 3 8, which makes 1138). You will then be treated to a sequence of bloopers from the film.

Easter egg: Second easter egg on the Region 1 two-disc Special Edition: On the first disc, go to Languages. Place the cursor on "Francais" and press Up once. A red Superman logo will appear next to Brandon Routh's right fist. Place the cursor on this logo and press Enter to access a special cheat code for the "Superman Returns: The Game" video game. Not a traditional easter egg, but an easter egg nonetheless.

Easter egg: On the trailers part, select the rose on the left to watch a funny outtake of Spider-Man.

Easter egg: On the 2003 Warner Brothers release of The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, From MAIN MENU, select SPECIAL FEATURES. From HARRISON & BRADBURY; AN UNFATHOMABLE FRIENDSHIP, left click, male star's collar will be highlighted, press Select, a short feature on ARMATURES will play.

Easter egg: Go to the Main menu, then to Special features. On the Special Features page highlight the little "New Line Cinema" logo, to open a page of credits.

Easter egg: On the opening menu for the full screen version DVD, you have two options, to either Convert or Fight. The Easter Egg is available on both options. If you chose Convert and after the menu loads press the up arrow, you will highlight a part of the pedestal where Riddick stands in the movie. The scene available is a behind the scenes look between Riddick and the Lord Marshal. The scene is also available if you chose the Fight option; you just have to press the left arrow and highlight one of the knives to watch the same scene.

Easter egg: On the first page of the "special features" menu, you will notice a blank space in the middle between "more" and "main menu" on the very bottom of the page. If you got to the main menu button and then go once to the left, a series of numbers like the ones Ben Kingsley draws in the movie will appear where that blank space is. If you select it, it is a short interview with a Taoist master about the "third eye" principle.

Easter egg: On Disc 3 of the Blu-Ray "Extended Collector's Edition", highlight the "Live Extras" and press the down button. This will display a "Theatrical Trailer 3D" and "Pandora Discovered 3D" option. Viewing these requires a 3D-enabled Blu-Ray and TV.

Easter egg: At the main menu go to Sneak Peeks, place the cursor on the wave logo (that's the one that takes you back to the main menu) then click left on your remote control, you should see an outline of Stitch, press enter to see a preview of Stitch's upcoming movie.

Easter egg: The 2012 Warner Brothers release of The Valley of Gwangi. From the Main Menu, select Special Features, From Return to the Valley, right click, the Allosaurus' head will be highlighted, press select, a short film entitled Gwangi And Vanessa will play.

Easter egg: On the main menu, scroll down to special features. Press right on the remote and the Timeclock on the hand will light up. Press select to see an explanation of how the Timeclocks work.

Easter egg: Go to Special Features. Go to the next screen via the More option. Hit up arrow until a ball becomes highlighted. Select the ball and you will see a picture of the crew and a girl give a long scream.

Easter egg: In the Special Edition DVD (with the white slipcover), in the Imaging Station, if you go to the top of the stack of the videotapes and hit the right arrow button, the TV screen changes to say, "They mostly come at night. Mostly." Hit "enter" to see a trailer for "Aliens," a movie James Cameron directed.

Easter egg: On the menu, go to extra features and click to the right, there's a music video starring Pepper and Dr. Frankenthumb.

Easter egg: Mess around with your remote controls, until you highlight the W with the 214 value underneath. You will be greeted with a old title test from Summer of 2004, in which was used to pitch the original plot and script for W.A.L.-E (WALL-E).

Easter egg: On the second disc of the special edition enter "The Star Trek universe", go to "A Star Trek family's final journey", click left to highlight the top of the rotunda. When you enter, you can watch X-Men director Bryan Singer talk about his cameo.

Easter egg: On the widescreen DVD at the main menu click on the symbol in the middle for an alternate main menu.

Easter egg: On the "Special Features" menu, go to the bottom and select "More" to bring up the second menu. While on this menu, press Right on the remote to light up the small Bender icon. Press Enter to see the producers' hand-drawn charts of how the different timelines intermix and are resolved.

Easter egg: On the disc's main menu, wait for a couple of seconds. Kate's rump will appear and will do a stinky like her son (Stinky). Press your down button until you see PRRRP. Press your enter button to see a clip of Kate teaching you to spell the word "POOP" and some weird message that is saying stinky stuff. Whew. On the special features menu, go to the second page. Highlight the "Photo Gallery" menu entry and press your enter button to highlight S Club. Press your enter button to watch this.

Easter egg: Go into the Bonus Features and click Backstage Disney. In this menu, there should be an image of a guinea pig in the right hand corner. To click it, go to the second option and hit right then down.