Best sci-fi movie easter eggs of 2002

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Spider-Man picture

Easter egg: On disc 2 of the DVD, click on the comic. When the next screen appears, click on the evolution of Spider-Man and then rogues' gallery. Click on any of the villains' pictures. When the pictures appear you can get a larger rotating picture of Electro, Venom and Scorpion by highlighting the Spider-Man head at the bottom of the screen of this villain and pressing down. This then brings up an outline of Spider-Man and you then just simply click on it.

More Spider-Man easter eggs
28 Days Later picture

Easter egg: When you enter the special features "Alternate ending" page, what you see is not always what you get. If you go down, highlight Main Menu, then hit right, you will highlight a little arrow. Hit enter to access a fantastic storyboard Radical alternate ending.


More 28 Days Later easter eggs
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones picture

Easter egg: On the film disc (disc 1) of the Theatrical Version, in the language selection menu there is a THX logo somewhere. Highlight it using the arrows on your remote, then enter the number 1138 while you have it highlighted (may vary on different DVD players, on mine I have to push a little 10 button, then 1 1 3 8, which makes 1138). You will then be treated to a sequence of bloopers from the film.

More Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones easter eggs
Rollerball picture

Easter egg: From the main menu go to Special features, you will see the options Commentary, Yearbook & Trailers. Press DOWN once more and a white horse type logo appears on the top right of the screen. Select that and you get the music video to Rob Zombie's song "Never gonna stop".

More Rollerball easter eggs
More Frankenthumb easter eggs
Lilo & Stitch picture

Easter egg: Hidden DVD Credits: 1. On menu select bonus features. 2. On the bonus Features go to the next page. 3. Highlight the space in the bottom of the page that is blank. 4. DVD credits will appear.


More Lilo & Stitch easter eggs
Resident Evil picture

Easter egg: On the Deluxe Edition DVD, go to previews and there should be a couple movies listed below. Press down till you highlight Special Features and then press the right button twice and the dog's eyes should light up. Press enter and you'll get the "Zombie testers" modeling various make up designs for zombies in the movie. This can also be seen in the Special Edition DVD but under the Special Features.

More Resident Evil easter eggs
Star Trek: Nemesis picture

Easter egg: On the second disc of the special edition enter "The Star Trek universe", go to "A Star Trek family's final journey", click left to highlight the top of the rotunda. When you enter, you can watch X-Men director Bryan Singer talk about his cameo.

More Star Trek: Nemesis easter eggs
Eight Legged Freaks picture

Easter egg: To find out interesting facts about spiders on the DVD, do this. Wait on a menu for a bit, until the spiders stop moving, then move the cursor up and onto the spider and press select. This will bring up facts about the spider.


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