Deliberate mistake: The scene where Topher Grace is jogging on his treadmill in his apartment is reversed. His wedding ring is on his right hand. In scenes before and after, his wedding ring was on his left hand.

Deliberate mistake: Many times Pocahontas's hair blows in the wind, even though nothing else moves in the shot. From the way her hair moves, the wind should be strong enough wind to move something else, but not even John Smith's hair moves.

Deliberate mistake: In the hotel bar at night, when Edward is playing the piano and Vivian goes to find him, after Edward has dismissed everyone else from the room Vivian sits on top of the piano and puts her feet on the keyboard. Her feet go onto the keys in the middle of the keyboard but the sound that comes out is from the bottom and the top notes of the piano.

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where Sam is swinging from the hospital window, you see him first from the inside. Now he is obviously being pushed (from a crew member) so it looks like he's moving back and forth smoothly. However, when seen from the outside he couldn't be pushed and so when swinging by himself, he was actually bouncing off the walls. Inside this would have been seen. Also, inside it seems that the sky is clear, though outside there is a tree by the window.

Deliberate mistake: When Eric's ship blows up, his statue bobs up and down. A statue this weight would not be able to bob up and down for even a second. It would just sink straight to the bottom.

Deliberate mistake: Riccardo is a stowaway on the ship, but he was standing on the dock when it pulled away.

Deliberate mistake: During the bathroom scene where Jimmy is trying to get the key to unlock himself from the handcuffs after the little Asian boy had knocked over the garbage can, the toilet paper roll should have had the cardboard tube attached to it upon reaching Jimmy and should not have various pieces of garbage on it.

Deliberate mistake: Rhododendrons, visible in the opening scene and mentioned specifically in the shooting script, do not grow in the Adirondacks.

Deliberate mistake: The actual Lazlo Almasy died in the 1950's after voluntarily serving with the German Army and SS during WWII.

Deliberate mistake: Before the two shuttles dock to the MIR station, Lev initiates a rotation to simulate gravity. The shuttles then dock with their side hatch pointing to the anchorage. As the gravity is pointing away from the centre of revolution and the station is revolving around its main corridor, the gravity would push the astronauts back in to the shuttle and not towards the floor of the gangways leading to the shuttle or towards the floor of the shuttle. Also, the artificial gravity would be reduced to almost nothing at the main corridor. But here the artificial gravity somehow points down in every part of the station, and appears to work equally well throughout the station. (01:09:40)

Deliberate mistake: A shot that lasts three seconds is backwards. The previous shot is a point of view outside an elevator and it shows Maria descending into the workers' city. The very next shot is a point of view from inside the same elevator and it shows the elevator ascending out of the workers' city. (Observed in both the Kino and Madacy DVD's. The timecode is for the Kino DVD.) (01:32:25)

Deliberate mistake: Whenever O.J. the owl is flying, there is the sound of wings flapping that sounds almost like a chicken flapping its wings. The flight of an owl is almost silent.

Deliberate mistake: The lake that the girls splash about in is very shallow, as they easily stand and play in it. Roberta does a head-first dive from a high tree, into it. There's no chance she wouldn't have hurt herself. (00:32:35)

Deliberate mistake: Wooden crosses are shown in several scenes, hanging on a wall. Crosses did not come into use as a Christian symbol until 450 A.D. (about 400 years after the film is set).

Deliberate mistake: When Lisa fights off Stef in her car when they go parking and they both sit up straight, it is quite clear they're not sitting in an actual car, but on a bench made to look like it's supposed to be in a car.

Deliberate mistake: Every time George swings into a tree, there is a George shaped impression created. However, in the next scene the tree is back to its natural shape.

Deliberate mistake: The man kissing Cameron Diaz in that last shot (when the homeless guy shoots the drummer) is not Ben Stiller, noticeable by his much taller, slender figure. (01:52:40)

Deliberate mistake: When Mark is catching a cab outside "JFK" airport, the cars are driving on the left hand side of the road - if they were in America they would be going the wrong way (the director points out in the commentary that this shot was filmed in London to save money).

Deliberate mistake: When Jafar sees Aladdin reflected in Jasmine's crown, Aladdin is the only thing visible. This isn't possible- we should have also seen the background of the room, the objects around him, etc.

Deliberate mistake: In the beginning of the movie when Happy first discovers his swing, the balls that hit the people down the street are never visible upon impact.