Deliberate mistake: The Studebaker in which Carol is first riding bears the license number JPM 351, which interestingly enough, is not only the same license number that Steve's 58 Chevy has, but is also worn by the car Curt is sitting on when he first meets the Pharaohs. To top it off, the Edsel driven by Cindy Henderson has plates reading PRC 596, which are also used by a silver 57 Chevy and a red pickup.

Deliberate mistake: When Randy is playing with Agent Rodriguez's gun (after first meeting him), when he accidentally fires it, you can tell the film inexplicably cuts forward a few frames into the same shot, as Randy's body suddenly shifts position and the gun is facing upwards, rather than at an angle as it was the frame before.

Deliberate mistake: When Fagin shakes Oliver's hand (when he first meets him) there is a blonde haired boy standing right behind Oliver, but in the shots from behind him, the boy is gone. This may be because the camera is just behind where the boy was and he had to move so they could get the shots from this angle.

Deliberate mistake: Marian is wearing pantaloons, or knickers, in the rape scene. Knickers were not worn by women until Victorian times, and then they were split at the crotch.

Deliberate mistake: When the geek and the prom queen are driving along in the Rolls-Royce rebel yell scene, the close-up shot of them through the windshield shows a missing rear-view mirror. It was there when the geek pulled out of Jake's garage and it reappears later when the Rolls is parked in front of the house where John Cusack's character lives. This was probably a deliberate mistake by John Hughes so that he could get a better shot of the prom queen feeding birth control pills to Anthony Michael Hall.

Deliberate mistake: As Rosemary is prepared to be raped by the devil she is lying on white sheets. In the next shot as she is being raped she's on black satin sheets. (00:47:30)

Deliberate mistake: The drug smuggler's boat is moving ahead quickly when they are shooting at the repaired plane. But when the shell returns to earth, the boat is stationary.

Deliberate mistake: In the last sprint towards the finish line, before they have to race on foot, the Lamborghini passes Fenderbaum and Blake. The red Ferrari they are supposed to be driving, is on the bed of a truck being towed. Notice the height difference between the two cars; about ten seconds later the two cars are pretty similar in height. (01:23:05)

Deliberate mistake: There is a huge security breach in the scene with Robin Williams and Christopher Walkin walking at night. The Security SUV limousine is more than 30 metres away from them. It should be pacing them in case of an emergency and be right next to them on the sidewalk. It appears the reason it is so far back is because at the camera angle the scene is shot at, it makes for a good background element which you would not see if the Secret Service followed protocol.

Deliberate mistake: When George spies on his hedonistic neighbor down the hill with his telescope, the telescope is always level when it actually should have been pointing downward. Same when his neighbor spied on him - his telescope was always level also when it should have pointing upward.

Deliberate mistake: When Evan/August first meets Arthur at the park, after playing, you see Arthur leaving his spot without taking the cable and (presumably) the amp as well.

Deliberate mistake: Ash's car breaks out into the courtyard and the whirling, windmill thing batters the Deadites aside. We see the carnage a couple of times filmed from different angles, one Deadite, planted, legs apart, gets battered twice and the guys who come in from the left and are quickly jerked off screen are shown again seconds later.

Deliberate mistake: At the end of the movie Rocketman shows his lady friend a space blanket, out of which he states he made something: ballroom dancing outfits. The difference in the material is just too obvious for this not to be a deliberate mistake. The outfits aren't the slightest bit related to the foil they were supposed to be made of.

Deliberate mistake: In the famous sequence where the pumpkin turns into a carriage, the fairy godmother stands behind it waving her wand and doing the magic. First mistake: After the transformation, the fairy godmother is stuck in freeze frame with her hands up in the air for the entire time when Cinderella is saying how lovely the carriage is. Another mistake occurs when it cuts to the fairy godmother (after the freeze frame), because her arms are suddenly down and she is moving and talking to Cinderella.

Deliberate mistake: When Bridget lands in the pigsty, the crew members are outside the sty, around three metres from her. Yet when we see the repeated shot of her buttocks in the studio, it is filmed as if she had landed on the camera or very close to it, and at an angle that would preclude it being a close zoom.

Deliberate mistake: After Doug finds where Minuti was killed and set on fire, he walks over to a dock where he sees Minuti's arm being eaten by alligators. Minuti had been dumped in the water 4 days prior, yet his hand is perfectly intact with no signs of burning, bite marks or weather/water damage of any kind.

Deliberate mistake: Throughout the film, scenes of several Cole Porter productions are shown being performed. These scenes all contain a well-known musical number. Two scenes in particular (after the Alanis Morissette number and immediately after the "So in Love" duet) end with the lead singer/singers bowing to the audience and then waving the other cast members on stage to take a company bow. The problem is that neither of those numbers appear at the end of the shows being "performed." The "So in Love" duet, for example, most definitely appears in the musical "Kiss Me, Kate" well before the Act Two finale. I assume that these mistakes were filmed deliberately to emphasize the importance of the songs in question, but they are still errors.

Deliberate mistake: In order to get to Julius Caesar and evade her nasty brother Ptolemy's assassins, Cleopatra concealed herself in a rug that she has a slave carry to Caesar. Look at the furled rug the slave carries on his shoulder. Then watch Cleopatra fall out as the slave tosses the rug to the floor and unfurls it. The slave would have needed wall-to-wall carpeting to hide her.

Deliberate mistake: The first time the warriors ride out during the full moon, the shot of the moon shows that it is in the phase of "half moon".

Deliberate mistake: Frank Beardsley moves his family into an old, defunct lighthouse, and subsequently makes a project of restoring the rotating lamp and actually running it. But lighthouses are navigational devices. Each one in use has its own unique, catalogued period, which identifies it and therefore helps a distant ship determine its own position. By running a "phantom" lighthouse, Frank, a career Coast Guard officer, risks confusing ships' navigators at sea. No real nautical officer would do such a thing.