Deliberate mistake: There are no yellow/amber lights as Patrick drives Sam and Charlie through the tunnel. Yellow/amber lights are present as soon as drivers enter the tunnel - a warning to slow down, as well as help drivers' eyes to adjust to the light level inside. I presume it was better to have all white lights while filming (and traffic was controlled). (00:27:33)

Deliberate mistake: The music in the 50s wasn't, by far, the Shakira pop and hiphop style that the people dance to in the movie.

Deliberate mistake: To keep things simple, the movie relies on the Lancaster County Sheriff as a county police force. In reality, the county sheriff serves the county court (transporting prisoners, for example) but does not serve as a county wide police force. In PA, each city, borough, and township has its own police force. Note the varied colors of police cars at the farm in one of the final scenes. These were borrowed from the various local police forces (Lancaster City, for example, is robin egg blue with a white top).

Deliberate mistake: After trying to get away from the monster, Costello finally unties the boat as Abbott rows away from the burning dock. The next shot of the boat has Abbott slowly rowing the boat, but you can see it's not moving as there's no wake, and when they jump off the boat after the Invisible man speaks, it doesn't rock, meaning the boat was mounted to something to prevent any movement, so they could make the jumps into the water.

Deliberate mistake: The angle of the light coming from the film projector (which was up high on the back wall) was too high to actually project onto the screen across the room. Also, people were standing in front of the screen and should have been blocking part of the projection and have light on their backs but did not. The screen operated more like a DVD player on a TV. (00:35:20)

Deliberate mistake: When Jenny writes "dick" on Matt's forehead, she does not stop the beam but the word is written with the letters separated.

Deliberate mistake: How does Lisa appear resplendent in that perfectly smooth wrinkle-free negligee when we saw it earlier all stuffed into her overnight bag?

Deliberate mistake: After Jim completes the awakening protocols, he is shown to his cabin because his door lights up. That's fine if he's the only one there, but he's not supposed to be. Presumably, there would have been hundreds of other people awakened as well, and the ship can't show all of them to their cabins by lighting their doors at the same time. But reviving every passenger separately and showing them to their rooms one at a time seems highly inefficient.

Deliberate mistake: When Sook-Hee is first shown her bed chamber, just after Sasaki leaves, she slides open the door to Hideko's room to look inside. After a 5-6 second silence, a thump sound is heard and Sook-Hee quickly closes the door. Later in the movie, when this same scene is shown a second time from Hideko's perspective, the thump sound, which is revealed to be Hideko banging her doll against the wall, occurs 11-12 seconds after Sook-Hee slides the door open. (00:06:38 - 01:32:33)

Deliberate mistake: When Janine smashes the mirror she takes it directly off the wall and raises it above her head, and the reflective side would be facing behind her. The camera immediately cuts to a front view as she's throwing it down and the reflective side is in front. This was probably done for dramatic effect so that the reflective side would hit the ground first.

Deliberate mistake: When Prince Henry was sitting on the porch, there was snow accumulated all along the inner side of the railing - but the attached perpendicular boards (about 4" high) on the outside should have blocked snow, or that amount of snow, from accumulating there. (00:42:30)

Deliberate mistake: When Howard is being sucked out of his planet by the laser beam the couch ignites but he doesn't.

Deliberate mistake: During the song Adelaide's Lament, Adelaide goes to her medicine cabinet, opens it, and there is a cut to a shot from "inside" the cabinet as she surveys all the medicine she takes to treat her "cold." From the inside, the cabinet is almost twice as wide as it is when it shows her open and later close it from the outside.

Deliberate mistake: When the police blitzes the "traditional English breakfast" joint, in the background the menu display advertises "Omlettes", and in the close-up on the owner you can read the word "Mashrooms." It's surely deliberate to show how the joint is not exactly ran by purebreed English people - although it should be noticed that there is an inconsistency with previous scenes when the board was different, and even the word "Mushrooms", handwritten, was spelt correctly. (01:23:00)

Deliberate mistake: As George is speeding after Jackie on his motorcycle, in some of the shots as he rides past the camera it's apparent that it is not Warren Beatty in these shots but a stunt double, unlike other shots where it is Warren on the motorcycle. (01:42:20)

Deliberate mistake: During Alejandro and Elena's duel, he slashes her skirt and reveals her bare leg. When he slashes off her whole gown, she's somehow wearing leggings. Obviously so Catherine Zeta-Jones would not be naked. (01:38:13 - 01:39:20)

Deliberate mistake: Near the end of the movie, in the Yankee Stadium scene, Adam Sandler sneaks onto the field. He then assaults a police officer and announcer who try to stop him. Rudolph Giuliani condones, even encourages Sandler's behavior. Giuliani acted entirely out of character, as he has an extensive history of being staunchly anti-petty crime and pro-police officer. (01:27:15)

Deliberate mistake: There was a black wrought iron fence behind Whitney but with enough space for JD to drive between them. After JD parked, Whitney (and her friend) were much closer to the fence, but they were also at the rear of JD's parked SUV, which would not be spatially possible. When JD, Jane, and Ally got out of the SUV, they walked right in front of Whitney, who was now much closer, and the fence was no longer behind Whitney. (00:27:50 - 00:28:14)

Deliberate mistake: When Humbert is walking through Quilty's mansion at the start of the movie, a bottle is placed near the top of a chair covered in a sheet, which is later revealed to be covering Quilty; the bottle is also shown to be placed on top of Quilty's head. This same scene is shown a second time at the end of the movie, but the bottle near the top of the chair cannot be seen. There is a second bottle on Quilty's lap that can be seen in both the two scenes, but the bottle on Quilty's head cannot be seen the second time around. The two scenes were likely filmed two seperate times. (00:02:50 - 02:32:18)

Deliberate mistake: When Matt is spying through the telescope on Casey's argument with her parents, you can hear Casey yelling "No no no" and hear her bedroom door slam, etc. This is all from Matt's point of view from the telescope - it would have been impossible for him to hear any of that, being such a far distance all the way across the lake.