Trivia: Christopher Walken doesn't speak a single word in the entire course of the movie.

Trivia: When they go into the police station, just before Robert Patrick walks out Sharon Stone walks out in her Basic Instinct outfit. Another nod to the "movie within a movie" concept.

Trivia: Kevin Spacey had to record the scene where Prot eats a whole banana (skin and all) 27 times.

Trivia: A popular film poster shows Emily and Victor reaching their hands toward one another. Emily's bony hand is on her right and Victor's suit and vest are backwards (note its buttons). Some say it was for legal reasons - Johnny Depp's name was supposed to appear on the poster first because of a contract, and they wanted the characters underneath the corresponding star names, hence the issue. Others say it was simply because the picture looked better with the bride on the right side.

Trivia: Never in Oscar Wilde's story was Dorian Gray invincible, as is depicted in the film. Nor did looking upon his picture kill him. Dorian regularly stood in front of the painting, observing the degradation of his soul. He was only killed when he tried to destroy the picture.

Trivia: Adam Sandler is also the executive producer of the film.

Trivia: The CGI wolves have no genitalia in the Eclipse movie because they needed to maintain the PG-13 rating.

Trivia: The battle training robot is named "Simon" in the film, presumably after the director Simon West.

Trivia: At the dinner ceremony where Spawn attacks Wynn and kills Church, you can see a red-headed woman in a blue gown walking among the patrons in the beginning of the scene. The camera focuses on her briefly, but for a reason - look at her earrings. They are Spawn insignia. This is a reference to the angel Hellspawn hunter Angela, who wears those same insignia in the comics as trophies of her victories over previous Hellspawn. Very clever reference.

Trivia: The moths that fly out of Billy's mouth after he cuts the thread are real, the actor held them in there for the effect.

Trivia: The family of late author Roald Dahl who wrote the novel The Witches gave director Robert Zemeckis permission to do a remake on the condition that the ending of the movie follow the ending of the book, where the boy remains a mouse.

Trivia: Jax says that Cole beat Eddy Tobias in a fight. This is a reference to the creators of Mortal Kombat, Ed Boon and John Tobias.

Trivia: During the making of this movie Christopher Reeve and Sidney J. Furie didn't get along at all and often clashed with each other.

Trivia: A lot of the witches who attend the Grand High Witches meeting are actually men dressed in women's clothing.

Trivia: SPOILER: Nicolas Cage has a cameo in this film as an alternate version of Superman fighting a giant spider. This is a nod to the cancelled film "Superman Lives", which would have starred Cage and been directed by Tim Burton. The giant spider was part of the script at the insistence of producer Jon Peters, who finally got to make use of the idea in Wild Wild West.